They only mention the composition of their fleet at the beginning, and then fly the Carrack for the rest of the vid. There are however, a host of things to learn from what they're proposing and doing.
1) They're proposing the Carrack, HH, Retaliator and Andromeda for fleet composition. Half their proposed fleet is for torp and missile support.
2) They can't catch their quarry with the Carrack, because they don't understand micro-jumping. Five or six times they note their very fast ship is not fast enough to catch the MSR when in fact it most certainly is fast enough, had they used the Q drive. They have a TS-2 installed. They should have used it.
3) They mention three times that they don't have missiles nor torps and needed them. If they parked a Ballista on the hangar deck they would have had all the missiles and torps they needed. Fact is, they do not need a Tally nor Andromeda, both of which are too slow for these engagements. The Tally, Andromeda and M2 all have SCMs 75% of the Carrack, and Redeemer, which are the ships they should be flying in a fleet. The Hammerhead has an SCM 50% of the Carrack and Redeemer and is thus inadequate for pursuit missions. Of these, only the Carrack has room for a Ballista.
Conclusion: IMHO, best practice for fleets able to win in all circumstances should include only the Carrack and Redeemer and have fast military Q drives and Ballistas on the Carracks. This will likely remain so until release of the Polaris or Idris.
**Note Erkul is reporting alternately the SCM of the Redeemer as both 208 and/or 140. The later sounds broken, but if it is the case, there's little reason to use anything other than Carracks for fleet ops at this time. They're fast, hardy, powerful, have superior scan than all other large ships and med beds. If TEST wants to own the skies, they could do it simply by refining the proper use of the Carrack including micro-jumping and adding the Ballista.
Since I'm being so bold in response to this fleet post of another org, I should just end here with my simple recommendation. Until we know that Revenants don't supply enough staying power for lengthy confrontations, the Carrack should be wearing them. They offer twice the firepower, the ability to penetrate shields from the first moments of battle, enhanced power to shields and thrusters, and the 240 rounds is 160 seconds (2 and 2/3 minutes) of overclocked fire time. Put this in perspective. In 20 seconds with all guns blazing, a Carrack can lay down about 240k points damage which is easily enough to kill a Hammerhead. A single Carrack can do this 8 times without reloading, so people need to stop being afraid of the reloading requirement. That is a LOT of fire time. FR-86, Durango, Chill Max, TS-2 and a Ballista parked on the hangar doors should be able to completely dominate any/all other ships in game when handled properly. Likewise, we see in this vid, a Carrack piloted properly can indeed orbit (they called it "spiral") a Hammerhead and avoid virtually all incoming fire. The Carrack is the Hammerhead killer because the HH is too slow, which allows opponents to orbit it.
As mentioned previously, the effect of micro-jumping the Carrack across the battlefield rather than simply out of it, is a technique known as "maneuver warfare". By definition this is a military strategy which attempts to defeat the enemy by incapacitating their decision making through shock and disruption. People sometimes say WWII was the first war that leveraged this strategy, but it is well documented that Genghis Khan and Geronimo both used this strategy to great effect.
Also mentioned previously is the notion of adding missiles and torps to the Carrack with the Ballista. This is the military approach known as "Combined Arms", which seeks to obtain mutually complementary effects by combining different capabilities. In order to extend the capabilities of a Carrack beyond what adding a Ballista could accomplish, best is probably to add stealth support and more missiles. An escort of Shrikes is likely a top choice since these can keep up with a Carrack's SCM and attack opponents unawares, whereas ships like the Eclipse cannot move sufficient to keep pace with the Carrack. So final example: a dozen fighters would be a tough nut for a lone Carrack to crack, but if those fighters were disrupted by 2-4 Shrikes firing pairs of missiles on them repeatedly from unknown locations, the Carrack would then have a huge advantage over them as they would be unable to line up for attack runs. Orbiting a Carrack at 15 km, several Shrikes could lock and strike attacking fighters with 9k Thunderbolt salvos with relative impunity, as the only way to detect them would be active pinging, which fighters almost never indulge in. A single Shrike carries about 110k damage in Thunderbolts, so can make a serious contribution even against large vessels.
Forming a group of about a dozen players that can field a Carrack for complex multi-player missions, and call up a few Shrikes when necessary, also gives the Carrack reason to practice the very important skills of a comms officer needed for larger group engagements. So treating a single ship as a fieldable entity, but short of a "battle group" makes good sense, and partnering several of these can then make a battle group. This is a vastly more capable plan then adding Retaliators and Connies to a strike group, as both these can be easily dispatched by Shrikes and cannot be targeted by them.
1) They're proposing the Carrack, HH, Retaliator and Andromeda for fleet composition. Half their proposed fleet is for torp and missile support.
2) They can't catch their quarry with the Carrack, because they don't understand micro-jumping. Five or six times they note their very fast ship is not fast enough to catch the MSR when in fact it most certainly is fast enough, had they used the Q drive. They have a TS-2 installed. They should have used it.
3) They mention three times that they don't have missiles nor torps and needed them. If they parked a Ballista on the hangar deck they would have had all the missiles and torps they needed. Fact is, they do not need a Tally nor Andromeda, both of which are too slow for these engagements. The Tally, Andromeda and M2 all have SCMs 75% of the Carrack, and Redeemer, which are the ships they should be flying in a fleet. The Hammerhead has an SCM 50% of the Carrack and Redeemer and is thus inadequate for pursuit missions. Of these, only the Carrack has room for a Ballista.
Conclusion: IMHO, best practice for fleets able to win in all circumstances should include only the Carrack and Redeemer and have fast military Q drives and Ballistas on the Carracks. This will likely remain so until release of the Polaris or Idris.
**Note Erkul is reporting alternately the SCM of the Redeemer as both 208 and/or 140. The later sounds broken, but if it is the case, there's little reason to use anything other than Carracks for fleet ops at this time. They're fast, hardy, powerful, have superior scan than all other large ships and med beds. If TEST wants to own the skies, they could do it simply by refining the proper use of the Carrack including micro-jumping and adding the Ballista.
Since I'm being so bold in response to this fleet post of another org, I should just end here with my simple recommendation. Until we know that Revenants don't supply enough staying power for lengthy confrontations, the Carrack should be wearing them. They offer twice the firepower, the ability to penetrate shields from the first moments of battle, enhanced power to shields and thrusters, and the 240 rounds is 160 seconds (2 and 2/3 minutes) of overclocked fire time. Put this in perspective. In 20 seconds with all guns blazing, a Carrack can lay down about 240k points damage which is easily enough to kill a Hammerhead. A single Carrack can do this 8 times without reloading, so people need to stop being afraid of the reloading requirement. That is a LOT of fire time. FR-86, Durango, Chill Max, TS-2 and a Ballista parked on the hangar doors should be able to completely dominate any/all other ships in game when handled properly. Likewise, we see in this vid, a Carrack piloted properly can indeed orbit (they called it "spiral") a Hammerhead and avoid virtually all incoming fire. The Carrack is the Hammerhead killer because the HH is too slow, which allows opponents to orbit it.
As mentioned previously, the effect of micro-jumping the Carrack across the battlefield rather than simply out of it, is a technique known as "maneuver warfare". By definition this is a military strategy which attempts to defeat the enemy by incapacitating their decision making through shock and disruption. People sometimes say WWII was the first war that leveraged this strategy, but it is well documented that Genghis Khan and Geronimo both used this strategy to great effect.
Also mentioned previously is the notion of adding missiles and torps to the Carrack with the Ballista. This is the military approach known as "Combined Arms", which seeks to obtain mutually complementary effects by combining different capabilities. In order to extend the capabilities of a Carrack beyond what adding a Ballista could accomplish, best is probably to add stealth support and more missiles. An escort of Shrikes is likely a top choice since these can keep up with a Carrack's SCM and attack opponents unawares, whereas ships like the Eclipse cannot move sufficient to keep pace with the Carrack. So final example: a dozen fighters would be a tough nut for a lone Carrack to crack, but if those fighters were disrupted by 2-4 Shrikes firing pairs of missiles on them repeatedly from unknown locations, the Carrack would then have a huge advantage over them as they would be unable to line up for attack runs. Orbiting a Carrack at 15 km, several Shrikes could lock and strike attacking fighters with 9k Thunderbolt salvos with relative impunity, as the only way to detect them would be active pinging, which fighters almost never indulge in. A single Shrike carries about 110k damage in Thunderbolts, so can make a serious contribution even against large vessels.
Forming a group of about a dozen players that can field a Carrack for complex multi-player missions, and call up a few Shrikes when necessary, also gives the Carrack reason to practice the very important skills of a comms officer needed for larger group engagements. So treating a single ship as a fieldable entity, but short of a "battle group" makes good sense, and partnering several of these can then make a battle group. This is a vastly more capable plan then adding Retaliators and Connies to a strike group, as both these can be easily dispatched by Shrikes and cannot be targeted by them.
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