Stories from the Noobfront - Trading


Vice Admiral
Apr 3, 2021
RSI Handle
Ok, to start with this isn't a whine, mostly a 'huh, this game is something isn't it post'. So I decided to start trading in this patch. Vahadar sold me a nice Carrack and that should be a good trade boat. To learn how I started with my Avenger, then moved to my MSR, and then into my Carrack. Get up to around 200k, enough for a full load in the Carrack. Fill her up with distilled spirits in MT decide to take it to Orison to sell. Jump to Orison, takes a day and half but hey I can do laundry. Get to Orison and realize I have no idea where the space port is. Fly around thinking I will wait until I see it show up in my comm box, then follow the landing prompt. Fly around and keep hitting restricted airspace, which takes over my ship and puts me somewhere 'safe'. Get the tower in my comm box, call it in, see my landing site, fly towards it, it is in restricted space, my ship blows up and I watch my cargo fall into the gas giant. Ok. Fine.

Build back up to 200k again. Fly to Bud's Growery and fill up on stims and processed food. Living large. Walk back out to be ship in a mild wind, drop the cargo ramp and my ship blows away. A long long way away, at the longest as I chased it it was 7 kilometers away, but eventually it stopped and I caught up to it. It is flipped upside down but otherwise unscratched but I can't find a way back in.The wind picks it up and moves it near some rocks, I run over, climb up and miss the jump, run back and the ship has blown away again, when it gets to 5 k away I give up and log off. Back to zero.

Build back up to 200k. Ok, this time no planet surface with rocks on the ground to kill my ship, go to a station. Land dead center on the pad. No wind, no storm, clear weather. Run in and buy cargo. Come back out my ship has moved on the pad and is now hanging over the end so the ramp want reach down low enough. Just barely too high to jump. Check missions, there is a mission with a box here at the station, I can grab the box and make the jump. Run inside, grab box, come back and my ship is kilometers away and moving fast. Again, no storm. No wind. This time I listen, the message is clear. I am not meant to be a trader. Back to fighters for me.

Before anyone asks yes the engine was off, no I had not punched in on the med bed. Only trading after all, why would I need that. Yes I know that is dumb. Just wanted to beat those in the replies.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
Sounds like a pretty normal Star Citizen experience. This game is unforgiving in its current form!

Wind is your enemy!

Be sure to turn engines off, that should solve that issue.
Nice try, but its a bug that occurs at specific places, even with the ship powered off. I'm not sure where they all are yet, but on Liria it can happen at Shubin 05. I stopped flying the Carrack as a result. I now fly either the C2 or M2, even though "anomalies" are rampant on them as well. They don't float away like that, but your ship can try to flip onto it's nose. I use the forward ramp to get back in, and that often fixes the ship's angle - but at least they don't try to roll away all by their self.

@FlyCasual, just some advice: Don't use all of your funds to load a ship. I don't even try to fly a trade ship that large until I can fill it for less than 50% of my aUEC. Take lower value items at first. Once you reach 1 million, you can pretty much take as much cargo as you want because you'll be hard pressed to put more than half of your money into the ship. At around 3 million, you won't care what happens, you know where you can make it back.


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
The simple thing where you are going wrong is you are using your entire 200k each time you try and do a run. Instead use 100k and build it up till you got 300k. Then use 200k per run and build it up faster. Before you know it you'll be a millionaire!


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
The simple thing where you are going wrong is you are using your entire 200k each time you try and do a run. Instead use 100k and build it up till you got 300k. Then use 200k per run and build it up faster. Before you know it you'll be a millionaire!
This is a good tip, before trading changed and my favourite route became worthless I made my first (and only) million aUEC using this method. Must have lost about 70k with code 30,000 errors in all and missed out of a huuuuge loss when someone stowed away on my ship and shot me in the back of the head to steal it only for the server to crash 15 minutes later. Would have lost about 100k in that one alone otherwise. For reference I'm using a Starfarer.


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Thanks all, as I said engines are off, I learned that a long time ago. I will build it up and try again. I mostly found it funny. Will rename the Carrack to the Wile E. Coyote and stop buying Acme trade goods.
You are missing the point. You are supposed to say "Fuck it" at some point and buy an even bigger ship / more ships lol

(For some reason, I have no problem landing my Aurora at Bud's Growery, but when I try landing it on Clio, it blows away...last time, about 7km.

And yes, of course, I turn my engines off *every* time I land, learned that lesson back in 3.0, doesn't help with the wind/weather now.)


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Somehow I always land and leave my engines on and I never blow away.

Do you guys that get blown away use keyboard and mouse?


Vice Admiral
Apr 3, 2021
RSI Handle
Somehow I always land and leave my engines on and I never blow away.

Do you guys that get blown away use keyboard and mouse?
I use dual sticks but I don't think that makes any difference. My own theory is that if the ramp gets lifted at all, by a rock or light on the deck the server decides that is a huge deal and lets the ship blow away.
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