Heellllllppppppp!!!!!!! Help and advice needed


Space Marshal
Sep 3, 2019
RSI Handle
Okay so I have made a few posts and then decided after a month of silence on my support ticket to give an ordinary pc run a try... No Oculus running or VorpX for that part. Just an ordinary run on a PC without any software assistance for VR.
Does not run at all.......:mad:

Anyone have an idea on what might be the source issue? Do any of you have a program like VorpX on your PCs but don't use it and thus can run SC?

Something inside said I should try to run on my solo monitor(small one) before I invest in another TrackIR and new large monitor. Absolutely afraid I will have to sell off my fleet and kiss these years of fun to the gutter if I can't find a solution.

Anyhow I know it runs out there for you all so my first step will be to remove the game and do a fresh install.
But if it won't run because I have a program (VorpX Oculus) not in use thats somehow is detected and prevents SC from running, it will be the end of this tour. :drunk:

So remember I am an old cave man so speak in grunts and sqweeks or simple words for my anti tech abilities.
Best regards from the sidelines.:o7:


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Disclaimer: I don't know anything.

When a program is not running it might be in the background, open your task manager and make sure any VorpX processes are not running. I have no idea but that's where I would start?


Space Marshal
Sep 3, 2019
RSI Handle
Disclaimer: I don't know anything.

When a program is not running it might be in the background, open your task manager and make sure any VorpX processes are not running. I have no idea but that's where I would start?
Good point. I have considered deleting it all together since it was only installed so I could use the VR. Going to look it over,....what a mess! :o7:


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
I have some old unregged VorpX installed, not running. I do also have payed VRridge/Riftcat2.0 installed not running.

Game starts fine.

As @NaffNaffBobFace said, try looking at background apps in the task manager, try reinstalling SC and VorpX as well maybe, and do look at your video driver, if it's old it might cause issues but it's rather rare to cause a no-start.
When reinstalling SC, don't forget to move/delete the leftovers if there is any, so custom user.cfg files don't remain.
Apart from that, I have no idea.

(btw I would love to try SC with my Quest2 in VR, is there any way to make that happen?)


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
Okay so I have made a few posts and then decided after a month of silence on my support ticket to give an ordinary pc run a try... No Oculus running or VorpX for that part. Just an ordinary run on a PC without any software assistance for VR.
Please define "an ordinary pc" and "Does not run at all".
What's the specs?
What's the error (if any)?

I run on a i5 6600, GT1070 and 32GB of RAM, of course SC in on an SSD drive, no Oculus, no VR, no crappy software for control mapping, nothing... not a problem.
Considering the recent introduction of the anti-cheat system if I have to point my finger on something that is a good candidate, but it depend on what you are trying to launch alongside SC.
Look into that and eventually consider a fresh install of SC without altering ANY file or insert some other application on the laucher.


Space Marshal
Sep 3, 2019
RSI Handle
I have some old unregged VorpX installed, not running. I do also have payed VRridge/Riftcat2.0 installed not running.

Game starts fine.

As @NaffNaffBobFace said, try looking at background apps in the task manager, try reinstalling SC and VorpX as well maybe, and do look at your video driver, if it's old it might cause issues but it's rather rare to cause a no-start.
When reinstalling SC, don't forget to move/delete the leftovers if there is any, so custom user.cfg files don't remain.
Apart from that, I have no idea.

(btw I would love to try SC with my Quest2 in VR, is there any way to make that happen?)
Thanks for trying to help out Bro!!...Every lead helps and eventually I will find a way along the trail of bread crumbs:like:..Sorry for the lack of details.

Will post up the error in total next attempt but it mentions untrusted software which is why I ponder if the Oculus or VorpX is being detected,running in background etc as noted by NaffNaffBobface :like:
As for my system as mentioned in the replies its running an i7 10700K RTX 2080ti 32gb ram with SSD. Always runs everything Crystal clear,.:like:

Under the weather right now but once this sinus nightmare and cough is gone I intend to sit down and start an outline of goes and no goes.
P.S. I have heard folks say they did not enjoy SC in VR @ VorpX but its been an amazing experience for me...Perhaps one day Oculus will also be a supported option :o7:


Space Marshal
Nov 24, 2018
RSI Handle
FYI Easy Anti Cheat was recently integrated into Star Citizen, if a program hasn't been whitelisted it most likely will prevent the game from launching.

Edit: Took some time to dig around and find out how VorpX works, it definitely goes into places on the computer where most malicious software can wreak havoc on a PC which is why you may be having problems, most anti cheat software monitors these areas for programs that alter operations even if legal, and usually will prevent things from working unless both parties (anti cheat and program maker) come to an agreement that it wont harm the PC if used.
Last edited:


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
FYI Easy Anti Cheat was recently integrated into Star Citizen, if a program hasn't been whitelisted it most likely will prevent the game from launching.

Edit: Took some time to dig around and find out how VorpX works, it definitely goes into places on the computer where most malicious software can wreak havoc on a PC which is why you may be having problems, most anti cheat software monitors these areas for programs that alter operations even if legal, and usually will prevent things from working unless both parties (anti cheat and program maker) come to an agreement that it wont harm the PC if used.
I'm not familiar with this kind of software, but I'll also suggest, if exist, to try an update on any 3rd party software you are running: even if EAC (East Anti Cheat) whitelist the program it could be on a different version and thus not recognise properly.


Space Marshal
Sep 3, 2019
RSI Handle
I'm not familiar with this kind of software, but I'll also suggest, if exist, to try an update on any 3rd party software you are running: even if EAC (East Anti Cheat) whitelist the program it could be on a different version and thus not recognise properly.
These replies are why old farts like me find TEST a good fit:like:
I will post a result this weekend after I clean up and remove everything and start fresh. No more VorpX(its paid for so maybe one day down the road).
A fresh clean install using just the PC and a monitor without Oculus(not uninstalled just off).
A clean white box mouse and keyboard install for starters and I will go from there come hell or high water:o7:


Space Marshal
Sep 3, 2019
RSI Handle
1st on the to do and try list: remove the VorpX that I no longer need.
Result?: Game after a restart of the P.C. started up and after a character and location set woke up in Babbage. :glorious:

Mind you I have some work to do/money to spend but it would appear this thread has saved my skin thanks to the input of you inebriated mutants once again:like:
Thank you for stirring up the synapses and offering up comments. Another reason why this Org is top of the list:o7:


Space Marshal
Oct 22, 2018
RSI Handle
There is another option besides wracking through your existing Windows install - set up a completely separate SSD.

This may sound like a pain in the ass as well; might be for you. But I've found a number of reasons to have multiple SSD's with different op systems/configurations, and it is BY FAR the easiest way to avoid the pain of reconfiguring your software every time you need to step outside the box.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
1st on the to do and try list: remove the VorpX that I no longer need.
Result?: Game after a restart of the P.C. started up and after a character and location set woke up in Babbage. :glorious:

Mind you I have some work to do/money to spend but it would appear this thread has saved my skin thanks to the input of you inebriated mutants once again:like:
Thank you for stirring up the synapses and offering up comments. Another reason why this Org is top of the list:o7:
Allow me to get you screwed up again:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjHCaONdocg


Space Marshal
Sep 3, 2019
RSI Handle
Well I found the path to redemption with a minor alteration. Built the monitor stand that can be rolled back to the wall when not in use with the sim but wall space is at a premium so a 65" flat screen is more likely to be used than the desired 72. Track IR ordered so it seems to be only a matter of time before I can see and enjoy the cool new experiences you all have been sharing.
Keep those stories and videos coming....Such a cool game and crew you mutants :o7:


Space Marshal
Sep 3, 2019
RSI Handle
So the Track IR I gave my son is nada but a new rig is in route and now that the stand is in the room and Sim broke down I think its gonna be very crowded in here.
:glorious: Bought the wife some new custom floor mats for her Levante because I know she is going to commit me when she sees the flat screen about to cover my view...
Good grief I may be in for some serious dog house time:o7:



Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Whoaaa, that looks like the place to be! Very cool!

I'm usually pretty avarage (by Eastern Eu standards) at recognizing guns and stuff, but for the life of me I can't figure out what those on the wall are apart from the SCAR and Mosin.


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
Whoaaa, that looks like the place to be! Very cool!

I'm usually pretty avarage (by Eastern Eu standards) at recognizing guns and stuff, but for the life of me I can't figure out what those on the wall are apart from the SCAR and Mosin.
The Canadian gun owner in me is freaking out lol.

We're all about trigger locks, gun locks, and separate locked cases for magazines (ammo) here lol.


Space Marshal
Sep 3, 2019
RSI Handle
Whoaaa, that looks like the place to be! Very cool!

I'm usually pretty avarage (by Eastern Eu standards) at recognizing guns and stuff, but for the life of me I can't figure out what those on the wall are apart from the SCAR and Mosin.
The SCAR looking one is actually a CZ BREN 805. Mosin is one of my fav oldies @ 1941 PU(have 6 variants including one I call FrankenMosin(Custom chassis/bull barrel). There is also a French Mas 49/56 circa 1951(given to me by a pal who passed last year). Upper right is a bull barreled VEPR in 54r and the strange thing on the lower left is a Bullpup Russian SKS. If you like this sort of thing and its not offensive to the gang I can share a few more of the walls and a rack full or two:like: This what happens when you have too much time on your hands.
You would love my .338s if you like tactical stuff:love:
Anyhow I ordered a 65" for the sim just a few minutes ago which means I will try and adjust and dip my feet back in next week.:o7:
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