Hey everyone, my ign is usually Rock but my RSI handle is Jein :).. Understandably though, I may have to live with my typo and be known as Rocl here from here on out ._.
Im from South Korea that originally played a lot of Elite Dangerous up until the release of fleet carriers, until I finally decided to try Star Citizen, and my god, what a choice that was. The game has been on my radar for a long time but I was always skeptical due to the people who bad mouthed it, but now im in love.
I like all types of gameplay, but usually lean towards combat. I dont turn down some quality time for anything else though! Sippin coffee while delivering some cargo, or spending hours mining valuable resources to sell for that delicious space coin, whatever it is, im down!
My gaming history started with Pokemon on the old Gameboy Color :P which now have branched out into mainly Diablo II Ressurected, GTFO, Star Citizen, and possibly a few more as of late~
The first person I met who became a friend, and showed me the ropes to Star Citizen told me about this organization called TEST Squadron, so i looked into it, and though I have plans for my own ventures, this was a family I knew I wanted to be a part of.
Ima say old Kirk.. I mean.. they're both okay, but.. idk.. maybe theyre both bad rofl :p.. they portray the character pretty differently, but if i were to pick one ide go with old~
Im from South Korea that originally played a lot of Elite Dangerous up until the release of fleet carriers, until I finally decided to try Star Citizen, and my god, what a choice that was. The game has been on my radar for a long time but I was always skeptical due to the people who bad mouthed it, but now im in love.
I like all types of gameplay, but usually lean towards combat. I dont turn down some quality time for anything else though! Sippin coffee while delivering some cargo, or spending hours mining valuable resources to sell for that delicious space coin, whatever it is, im down!
My gaming history started with Pokemon on the old Gameboy Color :P which now have branched out into mainly Diablo II Ressurected, GTFO, Star Citizen, and possibly a few more as of late~
The first person I met who became a friend, and showed me the ropes to Star Citizen told me about this organization called TEST Squadron, so i looked into it, and though I have plans for my own ventures, this was a family I knew I wanted to be a part of.
Ima say old Kirk.. I mean.. they're both okay, but.. idk.. maybe theyre both bad rofl :p.. they portray the character pretty differently, but if i were to pick one ide go with old~