If you look at the picture you posted as reference, it does the same thing you described forming a bit of a side, just the light hitting it makes it look steeper in the mule pic. Don't worry, we will get to keep our ROC ferry Cutlass, unless Cig wants a really brutal shitstorm on their hands

(knocks on wood, crosses fingers, and whatnot)
Surely CIG would never do anything to upset their customers...
I'm currently undecided on which ship to use for ROC transport [1]:
Nomad is cheap, but reversing onto tray and time between cockpit of ship and controls of ROC (3 doors plus ladder) is too long.
Cutlass Black is not quite as cheap, but time between controls of ship and ROC is low (only 1 door) - narrow ramp can be annoying/a problem.
Freelancer MAX is more expensive, has a wider ramp, but requires moving through 3 doors (plus the occasional turret side-trip).
Valkyrie is more expensive again, has a wider ramp and a quick trip between controls of ship and ROC (only 1 door) with a ladder that can be bypassed on the way to ROC, but slows things down if forced to use.
I have all except the Valkyrie in my permanent fleet, and have tried the ROC in all except the Freelancer MAX. So far I find the Valkyrie to be the best for a ROC, but it's hard to justify the $ price for a ROC mover, meaning it'll be an "earn in game", with me suffering the ramp on the Cutlass for some time (unless the freelancer internal doors can be locked open) following each wipe - ROC was always an "earn in game"... Then again, a liberator may also be a possibility - load with ROC, Prospector, Expanse, and you have a mobile solo mining outpost to grab whatever you find on the scanner.
I'll be giving a cutlass red a shot some time in the future, as I believe it may be possible to squeeze a ROC in the back, and there will be medical beds to save on food\drink requirements if I can't be bothered looting somewhere for them when selling gems.
[1] I'm avoiding cargo lifts due to the delay they cause, either running to them, then activating, or "open external doors" from control, then leaving ship another way to get to the ROC. Similarly, MSR and C2/M2/A2 aren't really worth considering due to the time between controls of ship and ROC... I'd love some sealed framework with a ramp, engines, etc. that you could drive a ROC into and it plugs in allowing you to fly it from the ROC driver's seat, or an airborne ROC (with or without Quantum drive), but I can't see either of these being produced.