Ram the ship with the Hull E while Auroras missile themselves into the Kingship.
I love it!
or would the potential exploding power be higher with the Auroras still inside, so that the explosion from the Hull E / all the auroras / explosives in the Auroras be bigger?
Ideally you'd have the Aurora's fly out and swarm the Kingship: If the intention was to leave them inside hangars attatched to the Hull, then you'd be better served by simply having explosives in place of them in the cargo\hangars, as you'd carry more explosives that way - Plus having the Aurora's fly out and swarm the Kingship would mean you'd still be doing damage\have a chance to kill it even if the Kingship somehow managed to evade the Hull\Hull's remains.
Of course, you could also have containers of explosives mixed among the hangars attatched to the Hull, and if the cargo (empty hangars and containers of explosives) was jettisoned correctly would give you a combination of the Hull\Hull remains, a swarm of Aurora's, and a number of unguided, inertia propelled "missiles"\"improvised mines" for the Kingship to deal with.
I'd probably suggest a head-on attack, as well, as this prevents the Kingship quantum jumping away (If it tries, there's a lot of "obstacles" it needs to go through), and allows for quicker closing speed and less ability to evade due to inertia of both major ships...