X52 Pro no longer working since Windows 11 upgrade


Grand Admiral
Dec 5, 2017
RSI Handle
Any chance someone knows a work around to fix this or am I stuck by new joystick setup?

Also, if I do go with new joysticks do you guys recommend dual joysticks or hotas? And which brand should I be buying?


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
First and fore most if you upgraded directly from Win10 I'll suggest to compleately uninstall all the drivers, disconnect the HOTAS, reboot and reinstall all: chance is the update delete some of the dirvers file and need to re-install the new compatibile ones.
Of course is also worth to check if Logiteck has released some new drivers for it...

Another check is to verify the USB port you have the HOTAS connected to: USB 3 may need some new driver for che chipset, so check and update ALL the drivers from your montherboard manifacturer is a mandatory step.
Also check with Logiteck support if they have a workaround or some suggestion is good path.

For the new setup a dual joystick seams the best way to appreciate SC, and if you like the trottle feel thare are some conversion kit that allow to mount the sitck on a semy-horizontal position.
This is an unboxing but it show a good example of dual joystik setup:
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lePMuwfNvOs


Grand Admiral
Dec 5, 2017
RSI Handle
Ty much, will try to see if those will fix it.

Have you seen the Turtle Beach Yoke? That looks really neat but heard yokes aren't very good for combat.
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Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
What @Cugino83 said seems like your best bet for getting em working again.
Also if you have it conencted to a USB hub instead of the motherboard that might cause issues , also also you should try moving it to a USB2 port if you have any and it's currently in a USB3 cos since WIn10 usb3 has been kinda messy. I had a bunch of issues with external drives not working properly on 3 even though I had the latest mobo drivers for it, maybe this is still a thing on win11.

If you do go new joys, I think it will depend on what style of gamplay you do. Yoke with a throttle is fun and can be very immersive if you like chill flying and enjoy peacuful activities like space trucking and mining and such and fits great with large less maneuverable ships (it's also great for flight sims like MSFS) but it's cumbersome and slow to handle in a dogfight. Get dual sticks if you do more active flight like combat and racing and hardcore stuff cos it just works better with the current 6dof flight model . You will be circle strafing more than anything else so it helps to have granularity, and it's also great for pulling stunts and smooth landings.

Personally I'm happy with my single VKB NXT (1st gen non-evo I think) and just a keyboard, although you could also do offhand stick and main hand mouse as well, that works great for some!
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Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Any chance someone knows a work around to fix this or am I stuck by new joystick setup?

Also, if I do go with new joysticks do you guys recommend dual joysticks or hotas? And which brand should I be buying?
My better halve's X52 Pro set worked quite well before the move. Unfortunately, since the set is in storage about 2000 miles away for a little longer, I can't test them at the moment, but they worked just fine under Windows 11.


Grand Admiral
Dec 5, 2017
RSI Handle
My better halve's X52 Pro set worked quite well before the move. Unfortunately, since the set is in storage about 2000 miles away for a little longer, I can't test them at the moment, but they worked just fine under Windows 11.
We got it working, I just had to Uninstall and re-download the drivers
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