Just a friendly reminder for those wishing to make their RSI store credit balance stretch a little further:
The Vulture is likely to release around IAE with the traditional increase in price for a release, so the current $5 (credit) CCU from a Cutlass Red or a Freelancer DUR to a Vulture may be worth looking at, as it could be the last time you'll be able to CCU to it with credits at the current price... Once the price rises\release hits, your $5 credits spent on the CCU will be worth (in a chain) $5 plus however much the Vulture increases in price from the currrent $140 - If it goes to $150, the $5 CCU will be worth $15 to a chain, for example.
The Vulture is likely to release around IAE with the traditional increase in price for a release, so the current $5 (credit) CCU from a Cutlass Red or a Freelancer DUR to a Vulture may be worth looking at, as it could be the last time you'll be able to CCU to it with credits at the current price... Once the price rises\release hits, your $5 credits spent on the CCU will be worth (in a chain) $5 plus however much the Vulture increases in price from the currrent $140 - If it goes to $150, the $5 CCU will be worth $15 to a chain, for example.