Okay don't really know where to put this. Looking for people to play with.


Vice Admiral
Dec 10, 2021
RSI Handle
I'm at a point where I tend to play at certain hours at night (pm CST) I'm often up at 9AM (UTC+1ish I guess) on the weekends.

I am aware of the discord (and will actually be linking this in there while I'm on) and have been attending events but at this stage I want to test the traps and not the catapult so to speak.

@KuruptU4Fun68 in game

Well rounded in what ships I own currently, I own some niche ships gameplay wise but personally looking to explore higher end cargo ships role/purchases in the future. But want to try some new mission types and events with people.

English is my only language.

Please PM me that you're part of TEST either thru the game or here is all I ask!

If this thread needs to be moved someplace specific and the link changes please let me know. Thank you very much.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
You're in the right place on the Dischord it's where all the active players are as far as I'm aware, I've not been in there for years but do recall the last time I was it was pretty hard to find the active groups playing as there were so many sub-fora - I'm not certain but from what I remember when groups get together they make a mini-dischord-room they are in and I always shied away from just injecting myself into their established play session. The Friends List in SC itself should also help you identify and join servers TESTies you have in your list may be on, but I don't know that for certain it has been a long while since I last tried it and it will have changed since then.

If TESTies are not about, also consider Arena Commander and Star Marine, as long as there are players around they all get pushed into the same group for matches which while not the majesty of the PU, still offers some short-form content entertainment.

I'm UTC timezone (GMT/BST) myself but have not played SC in a while just because I don't have time/capacity for submerseive games at the moment, my current roster of go-to titles is very much the pick-up-and-play type, or single-player with a Pause button. It's pretty hard to just get up from SC to attend to my kids latest query whereas a short-form matches style online game or something which I can pause is much more compatible with my circumstances right now. Thinking about it I should follow my own advice and get back in to AC! :-D


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
I am aware of the discord
Its not enough to be aware, you need to actually click on the events on the top left!


There are always people on, check the voice channels.

Those of you that just hang around the forums here are missing out on 99% of the things happening. TEST Discord is the main hub where everything takes place!


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
Play? I thought we were here to find people to drink and talk shit with.

Have I been doing it wrong?
No, you're not that wrong. You need to show up for SC and Drinks, Wednesday nights. That's tonight.

Even people who are intimidated can join in. Keep silent if you want. but let us know you're alive - by dropping in to visit us in Discord.
Even when there's not an event scheduled, there are pickup groups all the time.

@NaffNaffBobFace, you can also visit even if you're not playing SC.


Vice Admiral
Dec 10, 2021
RSI Handle
Its not enough to be aware, you need to actually click on the events on the top left!

Those of you that just hang around the forums here are missing out on 99% of the things happening. TEST Discord is the main hub where everything takes place!
I've been doing the hardflight and combat events with the guys running it for the past couple of weeks, just got into the voice chat and following the divisions in Discord.

@Vavrik I'll be on tonight drinking with you guys!
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