Did the tutorial, worked mostly fine, then went and checked out New Lorville. It's friggin huge and looks great (If I ignore the couple of holes into the void cos some block of buildings/ground is missing)! Being able to fly under all the bridges, even at ground level if you exit the zone fast enough, is a really welcome change, and I love the tunnels through the buildings, such a nice touch, will make for graet race tracks!
One thing that still bothers me is that my ship keeps bouncing up into the air upon exiting the seat. This was the case since 3.18. Workaround is to turn off engines, but I keep forgetting it and was stranded on more than one occasion cos I couldn't reach my ship after jumping off lol
Lorville and Area18 chugs a bit more than in 3.18 but not by much, perforamnce seems to be about the same as before.
I also have most of my items except for the ones I collected a couple hours ago before the patch, those are gone forever I think.
So far so good, gonna be running some missions tomorrow to see if it holds up!
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