Anywho, currently my fleet consists of the Arrastra, 600i explorer, all 3 Zeus, E1 Spirit, and the Scorpius. The Arrastra is intended to be my big source of revenue (shake that money maker Arrastra…shake). All the other ships have fairly distinct roles other than the 600i and the Zeus ES. But do I really need 2 exploration ships? Thoughts on how you would manage my 3rd world dilemma?
I would wait to decide. There are two issues.
First, somewhere near thirty ships are about to get serious rework. Some of this is good and some is not. The 400i recently lost its stealth status. If it gets it back, it could become the premium explorer. Right now, the 315P is still the premium solo explorer right out of the box. It comes with stealth components. It will probably remain the best smuggler in game.
Secondly, we haven’t seen the 600 rework. It may suck, or you make find you’re in a group large enough to really use all the Carrack has on offer. We don’t know what those drones can do yet, but I would consider them significant.
So no reason to lay down cash. Crew aboard a Carrack and see what you love and hate about it. Team up with guys once you get your rig ready and let them teach you the ropes. This is the time and place to learn.
BTW, unless things have changed significantly, the biggest cash earner is still cave raiding. You don’t need any particular ship for that. Just patience and the heart of a stone cold killer. Try it with nothing but a blade. It’s fun! We are the reason people are afraid of the dark. Cave runs earn more than bunkers—typically about 1,000,000 aUEC/hr if you server hop with a ship large enough for the loot (325p is good—12 crates) and don’t get killed. They do try to kill you, so just kill them back first.