I hope I made you proud Montoya


Jul 18, 2014
RSI Handle
I disagree. The anti-pvp or any anti human adversarial interaction crowd is a small and vocal subculture at the RSI forum. The game they want exists at Disney studios somewhere and I'm sure CR isn't going to budge on keeping things interesting between people.
This is true, but they definitely exist. I will definitely be recording the audio of any pirate interactions I initiate.

It will be extremely entertaining listening to these people lose their shit about losing their shit.
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Vice Admiral
Nov 29, 2014
RSI Handle
indeed, and as I've said before, a good org will create the necessary consequences for clever acts by anyone to take your shit, and that makes the meta-game interesting imo. If a tool of a douche can scam you for your cargo, there's 2 more in Test (myself included) that will make it a mission to scam them, their friends, their org, and their loved ones of theirs two-fold. I'll go to their house and steal their bike.

Trick Shot Bob

Space Marshal
Jan 2, 2015
RSI Handle
indeed, and as I've said before, a good org will create the necessary consequences for clever acts by anyone to take your shit, and that makes the meta-game interesting imo. If a tool of a douche can scam you for your cargo, there's 2 more in Test (myself included) that will make it a mission to scam them, their friends, their org, and their loved ones of theirs two-fold. I'll go to their house and steal their bike.
Well said old boy, I have an urge to buy you a drink!
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Stream Meister
Staff member
Sep 29, 2014
RSI Handle
Oh CR wont change anything but it is pretty depressing to see all of the forum talk.
I'm still of the opinion that CIG should simply create a PVE universe and a PVP universe. Most major MMOs do this and it shuts people up on both sides of the argument.

I know they don't want to split their populace in half at launch, but they're almost at one million registered players. At double that, they should really consider the split as a long-term solution.
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Vice Admiral
Nov 29, 2014
RSI Handle
I'm still of the opinion that CIG should simply create a PVE universe and a PVP universe. Most major MMOs do this and it shuts people up on both sides of the argument.

I know they don't want to split their populace in half at launch, but they're almost at one million registered players. At double that, they should really consider the split as a long-term solution.
He made a slider. I can't remember the exact details but it is more robust than simply turning on and off player interaction. It will facilitate pve style game-play without completely eliminating interaction with other players. You would essentially replace human pirates with NPC pirates per instance while leaving the universe intact. The question is how badly will something like this fork over pirates as they would likely be instanced with trading ships expecting a good fight, armed to the teeth and certainly not transporting anything valuable as they would simply turn the slider to easy mode for that easy buck. Pirates would be playing PVE all day for decent loot. It's all ass-backwards logic to me. This kind of stuff is worth going into detail over and I'm frankly surprised it hasn't come up more often on the RSI forum.


Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2014
RSI Handle
I like the PvE slider in theory. IMO, if you crank it down (or up? Whatever setting is as little PVP as possible) and stick to UEE space, PVP fights should be relatively rare. But you should get more PvE events (Vanduul Raiders, NPC Pirates, etc) thrown at you to compensate.

Lawless space should ideally negate the PVP slider- what happens in lawless space stays in lawless space. It's supposed to have the best loot, so you gotta play ball with the big boys if you wanna get the high rewards.

Alternately, just start a private server just for yourself and some buddies I suppose.

I'm a fan of PVP, I like it because it's challenging and forces me to become a better player, but I can see why some people don't like it. And even the most hardcore PVP enthusiast needs a break once in a while to mine some ore or haul some cargo without the worry of getting blown up.
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Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
So heres what I don't get about the pve only crowd and I used to be in this camp hard before I played Eve Online(my first MMO!). If the AI in star citizen is as good as they are saying it will be with AI ships having radically different loadouts and upgrades(This was in a 10FTC) then whats to stop people from crying about pvp even thought they just got blown up by an AI that was almost as good as a player? At that point the pve crowd will say they want less good AI and predictable loadouts to fight back against and turn it simple.


Space Marshal
Oct 12, 2014
RSI Handle
Isn't it going to be that 90% of the SC world is NPCs and the other 10% is PCs? So, 90% of the pirates people get attacked by will be NPCs anyway, and I have a feeling that NPC pirates will be either skilled enough or numerous enough to be able to steal from people. So it's a moot point, they're gonna be attacked either way, and if they suck, then they'll die.

Same goes for traders, 90% of haulers will be NPCs carrying their loot around waiting to get robbed. They have no concept of a PVP slider, so I wouldn't be too worried about all haulers you come across in the PU being 100% ready for all pirates all the time. Bigger targets will have bigger escorts, but that should be no surprise.

Don't worry, be happy


May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
I'm still of the opinion that CIG should simply create a PVE universe and a PVP universe. Most major MMOs do this and it shuts people up on both sides of the argument.

I know they don't want to split their populace in half at launch, but they're almost at one million registered players. At double that, they should really consider the split as a long-term solution.
I played Dark age of camelot for many years. It had pve but the main focus was 3 faction pvp. You could mostly pve without having any kind of pvp problems except for a few areas. They decided then to make a pure pvp and and a pure pve server (in addition to all the normal servers). They did what they did, but there were problems. The pve server was mostly ok but the pvp server turned into a hellhole. It attracted the worst of the worst kind of people as it was all open pvp. I suppose it attracted the kind of player like eve pirates. As a result though, nobody was entirely happy on either of the servers and they still only catered to a minority of the playerbase.

The slider is a good compromise between separating the 2. If they straight out split players up, in the end everyone is going to have a lot less fun and especially on the pve servers. Oh the big megaorg found 5 of the 7 total bengals? Nothing you can do since theres no pvp. CR is trying to create a single breathing universe, and I can only see it really being bad in the long run to section off different groups.


Space Marshal
Dec 23, 2014
RSI Handle
I like the idea of how WOW handled pvp with hord and alliance. If you are in an area that you have good standing you don't have to look over your shoulder so much. If you are in a place with low standing or nul sec areas you have to move like there is a giant bullseye on your butt. I really did not like UO pvp where as soon as you step out of town youvare running in terror from real or imagined packs of reds out to kill everything that moves.


Space Marshal
Nov 21, 2014
RSI Handle
The only way I can see the slider option working is if it goes something like this:
1. You enter a new sector of space and the server checks for an encounter
2. If you get an encounter, the server checks your slider for the percent chance for NPC vs. PC
3. If PC checks if there any PC ships it the same sector, If not, adds a temporary modifier to your slider for the next encounter, goto step 5
4. Starts PC encounter
5. generates NPCs for encounter

The modifier would increase the odds of a PC encounter, and would stack if you went through a very long stretch of non PC populated sectors.

So the anti piracy league would still end up being attacked by pirates, just no PC pirates all the time. So, it looks to me that they just want to either run cargo or what have you, without the risk of loosing any "hard won" credits. But that wouldn't be very immersive, now would it?
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