Pretty much exactly how it went down for me.
I think I'm certainly considered an old fart by TEST standards, as I remember watching Return of the Jedi in the theater when I was 8 years old (and ESB 3 years prior - I forget when I first saw ANH, but it wasn't on initial release). I remember seeing the Millennium Falcon swooping lazily left and right through the rebel fleet before the jump to hyperspace and was utterly blown away. Then, during the attack on the Death Star, they flew around the rear side and INTO THE DEATH STAR ITSELF. My brain exploded.
I dutifully went to each of the Special Edition opening nights starting in 1997. Yes, the 'improvements' were on the whole pretty bad in retrospect, but seeing it all again in a theater packed with your peers made you genuinely feel like a kid again. We actually laughed at the funny parts, despite having watched it over and over and over on well-worn VHS tapes. We cheered the heroes and booed the villains. We were reminded that these weren't just movies, they were an experience.
Naturally, we went and saw Ep. 1-3 on their opening nights as well. They were pretty good the first time around, but they were just movies, really. There was no magic behind them. There was nothing there for my inner child to grab onto.
I'm not ashamed to admit I actually teared up a little watching the trailer. I'm trying to not get too excited only to be let down once more. But I really want to feel 8 years old again. I hope the magic is back.