Recent content by Alia_and_Gotin

  1. Alia_and_Gotin

    MISC Fortune

    I like it. It's not reinventing the wheel or anything, but I like it.
  2. Alia_and_Gotin

    Other Sub - Org (Guild Affiliation Ideas)

    Yeah, they hinted several times about "when we have more character slots" etc. So the simplest would be to have your Trucker character and your Pirate character and your Science character...etc.
  3. Alia_and_Gotin

    MISC Starlancer I failed at the self-control......I lasted a whole 24 hours....At least I slept on it so that is good right?????
  4. Alia_and_Gotin

    Clarification on LTI by CIG

    Nice! thanks for posting this, makes it easy to understand
  5. Alia_and_Gotin


    Well Jared did say that one of the earlier playthroughs with it, its spit was bright white......soooooooo
  6. Alia_and_Gotin

    MISC Starlancer

    It was kinda purty! I have an Odyssey in the wings I will control myself.....for now.....maybe.....
  7. Alia_and_Gotin

    The "Im not spending any more money!" thread

    I feel attacked...... :D
  8. Alia_and_Gotin


  9. Alia_and_Gotin

    A Drive-by hello

    hey folks! Just wanted to drop by and say Hi! I know Gotin and I have both been MIA for a bit, but life is life. We're still here and still keeping an eye on you nuts :) Sending you all a full virtual pint to sip! Alia
  10. Alia_and_Gotin

    Deep Recon Scout Ship?

    Interesting.......and over all it did sound like CIG was going to start moving more toward straight to release and less of the concept sales. Because, be honest, that isn't very sustainable as the game actually come closer to actual release.
  11. Alia_and_Gotin

    Howdy Howdy

  12. Alia_and_Gotin


  13. Alia_and_Gotin

    Salutation Citizens

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