Recent content by Daak Gelrin

  1. Daak Gelrin

    The Gorge

    It was a decent movie. I liked it, and Anya... :like:
  2. Daak Gelrin

    Losing the faith

    I think most of us long time backers are having the same thought process. Nothing wrong with taking a break and playing something else fun for awhile. I still play, but when I hit a session killing bug, I just call it a night and don't waste any more time. I used to try all the workarounds...
  3. Daak Gelrin

    Wee 4.0

    4.0.1 latest: Servers were running nice Elevators were working from the habs Trains were working Trapped in A18 because my hangar is bugged and elevators won't take me to it - Can't call any ship from starport ASOP - Can see personal hangar on elevator control panels, but can't...
  4. Daak Gelrin

    Fight for (dummies) in Pyro

    Oh, hadn't thought of that one.
  5. Daak Gelrin

    Fight for (dummies) in Pyro

    I'm just curious about something with the 'Fight for Pyro' animation on the website. Why do the 3 idiot factions members charge each other on foot, when they are equipped with rifles? I wonder about such things. /shrug...
  6. Daak Gelrin

    Wee 4.0

    I'm glad/lucky that this never happened to me. I've never had a stranger pop into my personal hangar, though I've heard of it happening. knock on wood...
  7. Daak Gelrin

    Wee 4.0

    I entered quantum from Baijini to Wala, was in quantum for about 5-6 seconds and my Guardian QI exploded but did not kill me. Instead we dropped out of quantum and I was ejected from the burning ship and watched it tumbling away at rapid speed as I myself drifted in the middle of nowhere...
  8. Daak Gelrin

    Wee 4.0

    I couldn't even log in for a few days with a 60k. Then after that got resolved I had a 30009 error that hit, so no logging in for a couple more days until finally a character reset worked. Yep, just a little buggy.
  9. Daak Gelrin

    test rules for piracy?

    Indeed! Time to open the emergency stash, order some wings, and wait for an angry phone call while prepping for a bunker run.
  10. Daak Gelrin

    test rules for piracy?

    I had Tuesdays open on my "What to shoot today?" list too! SWEET!!
  11. Daak Gelrin

    Remember Star Wars Galaxies?

    Oh, I loved Galaxies. First MMO I really got into, and man was I hooked up until the bitter end. I didn't care for the NGE on the ground so I kept myself in space, looting great parts and re-engineering them. I was a triple-threat smuggler back in the day, who used to get really lucky...
  12. Daak Gelrin

    Stupid Question, How do I use my EMP now? Solved. Thanks.

    In the fat fury, i have to make sure to put some power blocks into my dampener, then that turns it "on". After that there is a switch in the upper left to then "activate" it. I'd say make sure you assign some power to it on the power display? then look for the physical switch to activate or...
  13. Daak Gelrin

    Liminalia Calender 2954

    SMEXXXY! This and the other paints I love the most.
  14. Daak Gelrin

    Was CIG inspired by another EVE Ship?

    Absolutely agree. Arrastra is high on my list of ships to aquire too.
  15. Daak Gelrin

    X4 entering beta for new flight model (by John Pritchett)

    I've never played x4, did play quite a bit of x3. I picked up X4 in the last steam sale though. I'm curious to try out their new flight model being developed by John (ex-CIG dev) in the open beta they got going on. They're looking for feedback to adjust the model to taste, which sounds...
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