Recent content by Doyzer

  1. Doyzer

    4.0 game crashes at Orison and Crusader

    I would CTD with error 3221225477 while loading into Orison for 3 days. With @Black Sunder help (Play Arena Commander and try a different server region (Asia)), I could finally load into game. Took about 20 tries.
  2. Doyzer

    Past 4 Years - What a great time for humanity

    It has been an even batter year for SBF, CZ, Binance and FTX.
  3. Doyzer

    VIRPIL throttle issues

    Both are solid. I have Virgil alpha and Cm2. Love them.
  4. Doyzer

    VIRPIL throttle issues

    I have a seperate button for reverse. My throttle on CM2 is set 0 to 100. Weird how we use different inputs.
  5. Doyzer

    Couple items to sell

    Like others said some people might be tapped out after IAE. Also, Brictoria was able to make a Polaris for $420 just from warbond ccu's at this year's IAE.
  6. Doyzer

    I have WON Star Citizen ! ! !

    Most of them are in my buybacks so we are good.
  7. Doyzer

    I have WON Star Citizen ! ! !

  8. Doyzer

    VIRPIL throttle issues

    I have a similar issues with throttle (CM2) after I use space brake. The throttle is non responsive until I hit f4. No clue why either.
  9. Doyzer

    Hello O-Lefty!

    We have forums?
  10. Doyzer

    SC Account with up to SPACE MARSHALL rewards and 3700 store credit. Want to sell

    You probably need money quickly but I would try to sell any giftable ships first before unloading everything at 53%.
  11. Doyzer

    [WTB] LTI A2

    Sending a DM
  12. Doyzer

    Hello from Texas

  13. Doyzer

    [WTB] CitizenCon 2949 Digital Goodies Pack

    Doubt it since they haven’t been on server for a year.
  14. Doyzer

    Original LTI Ships and Ground Vehicles for TESTies

    I think it is time to move on gents. Have a great weekend.
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