Recent content by Zman

  1. Zman

    Totally forgot TEST had a separate web page just happened to stumble on it in my buried bookmarks!

    Totally forgot TEST had a separate web page just happened to stumble on it in my buried bookmarks!
  2. Zman

    New ship 😁

    Congrats! I think I will stick with my C2 for now.
  3. Zman

    Mining Guide Updates Blog

    Yea that is what I was afraid of no wonder I could not get an answer in game because no one has been able to sell any refined materials yet. Thanks for the link. o7
  4. Zman

    Mining Guide Updates Blog

    Quick question. I have been unable to find anyone in game who can tell me where I can sell the refined material. My MSR is filling up. Can you tell me who buys the refined material please? Thank You.
  5. Zman

    Just Hanging Out With The NPC's

  6. Zman

    Hello there,

    Hello and :o7:
  7. Zman

    Just Hanging Out With The NPC's

    Just wanted to find out what it was like being an NPC always standing on the furniture. They didn't say much so still not sure what the attraction is about standing on furniture. Must just be a NPC thing. 🤣 🤣 🤣
  8. Zman

    1 Million aUEC

  9. Zman

    1 Million aUEC

    Yikes! That's not fun sorry to hear that. Thankfully I only have a MSR so chances of loosing that much is small.
  10. Zman

    1 Million aUEC

    I play ALL games for fun I never grind. If I have to grind to get anywhere, like Elite Dangerous, I just stop playing it. My motto has always been "If It Ain't Fun Why Play?"
  11. Zman

    1 Million aUEC

  12. Zman

    1 Million aUEC

  13. Zman

    1 Million aUEC

    The first time I broke the 1 million aUEC barrier! Could have done it long ago if it were not for the 30k's! aking
  14. Zman


    Hello TEST glad to be onboard.
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