What made you join the worst org in the 'verse?


Space Marshal
Jul 28, 2015
RSI Handle
I was drunk, probably when I shouldn't be, and I had to play some horrid Aurora flappy-bird clone in order to join... best worst idea I had seen in a long time.. so I drank some more.. really tried not to be able to pass the test and join.. but I failed miserably at failing... so here I am... still drunk...

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
"I didn't do it and you can't prove. It was all @Blind Owl. It was his idea and he made me do it
But did you have fun? If so, it was totally my idea.
I passed out in the SC forums and woke up somewhere here in the back of one of Blind Owls threads. Been stuck here since.
I'm quite good at leading people astray. Never did figure out how to lead them back though...
I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry.
You ARE Canadian. ;)

So, me and TEST:
I googled "Star Citizen org for adults"
Try it. Do it. See what happens. I wanna know how much Glowing Leader paid Google for this.

Two came up, TEST and Intersun. I thought TEST was too big (having never been part of any online organization, I didn't know this was a good thing.)

I started the application process for Intersun (yes, process - red flag!) and started posting on their recruit page. Well shit, if I didn't get a message from the big guy over there telling me to stop the bad jokes and stop trying to be the coolest guy in the room. I says pardon? No sense of humour, no me.

Application pulled.

That's when I clicked on the other link for "Star Citizen org for adults" - TEST Squadron. Haha. Jokes! Adults? Pffffft. ;) The org page sold me. The community kept me. And y'all taught me this term, "shitposting". Never heard it before here.

With TEST, I found an online home away from home. I've never in my life experience a community like this.

I love you guys. That is all.


Space Marshal
Feb 14, 2016
RSI Handle
hmmm what made me join TEST. Well it's a long story. It was April the 41st a quadruple leap year. I was in down town Atlantis. I was in a red stingray. My barracuda was in the shop. The mechanic told me I had blown a seal. I told him to leave my private life out of this.

Wait that's the wrong story. Oh yeah I got an invite and then saw something about beer. That's all it took.
Nice use of 'Wet Dream'.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
The feeling is mutual. Discord has been lonely since @CrudeSasquatch has been out in his natural environment and you have been busy with a kid. I need more Canadians in my life.
Shucks Zapp, we miss you too. It's been a hella busy summer so far. Soon(tm) we shall be back with you a little more often. :)
No we won't sit on your lap and talk about the first thing that pops up and we won't hug you either.

Why not?

Also: I watched the whole entire video. It was beautiful bro.
*raises hand*

Fear not fellow Canuck! There are dozens of us! Dozens!! ... probably not ...
There actually are many of us scattered amongst the TESTiverse. Sleeper agents, ready to jump out at any time and proclaim, "I'm sorry!".
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