Vanguard is a beast of a tank


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Today I went and tried out Multi-player pirate swarm to see if I could get a win and check out the new Pirate Gladius. Since it's been a while since I did AC, or really, any fighting with my ships, I decided to go a little bit more defensive and use the Vanguard warden as my ship of choice.

So, the first round went easy as pie...then during the second round as I was going for an ammo replenishment...Collision. Warning lights flashed and the voice calmly announced...weapons destroyed, engine destroyed. I glance at my ship status readout and it looks like one of the other ships (another Warden), struck my starboard side, shearing off my right wing and engine nacelle. Testing to see if my main weapons still worked, I noticed that the chain gun and 2 of the 4 laser cannons still functioned. Ok, I can work with this. I will just fight this ship until it falls the rest of the way apart.

We finish the second round...I'm still alive. Round three, four all go by. During round seven, a missile gets though, damaging my left (and only remaining) engine. It starts to sputter. Acceleration is down, and it looks like it took some of my remaining maneuvering thrusters as my rate of turn as also fallen. Ok, it's given me 5 rounds. I guess the end is near.

Round eight starts...I'm mostly just sitting there, letting my gun shoot at all those fancy red gladiuses...when low and behold, a wrench appears before me. I coax my ship to it...left engine fully repaired, right engine nacelle and wing restored. Still no right engine, but I'm back in the game.

Round nine, another repair wrench...back to full combat capability.

Finally, we take out the Hammerhead in round 10. VICTORY....and I realize, that wreck of a ship survived the entire fight, and more than 6 of those rounds, she was missing almost half of her body.

So for those of you that are naysayers of the vanguard...yes, they have some weaknesses, but they are also one really tough nut to crack.



Space Marshal
Sep 3, 2019
RSI Handle
Best thing about the Vanguard in my humble opinion is that at 20k in atmosphere they will QT :like: . Only have the hoplite now (sold the Warden) but it has space for two size 4 missile pods so a trip to center mass and it now carries 16 size 2 missiles. One of the best bangs for your bucks in my temporarily sober opinion:drunk: Hail the Auroras!!
P.S. Almost forgot to mention the paint scheme changed on my Hoplite this patch. Its now wearing digital green camo


Sep 15, 2019
RSI Handle
Someone explain to me the appeal of the Warden over the others? I have strong prejudices in favor of each of the other three but don't see the point behind the Warden in most things.
I smashed out AC in a warden app 15 waves. I couldn’t do this in any other ship available to me. That alone makes this a boss ship.

it can take an ass kicking too, even when stationary it will take Almost anything.

I’ve found it’s turning ability to be rather good too.


Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2014
RSI Handle
I guess I'll have to try out a warden. I'm all for whatever is going to let me live longest in a firefight and possibly see the end of the AC swarm. They don't seem to be for sale atm tho
The Sentinel (Electronic Warfare) and Harbinger (torpedo bomber) variants are currently on sale since they're flight ready w/ 3.7 but not the base version for some reason.

But citizencon is coming up and it's a 100% surefire bet the Warden will be available for purchase.


Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I guess I'll have to try out a warden. I'm all for whatever is going to let me live longest in a firefight and possibly see the end of the AC swarm. They don't seem to be for sale atm tho
Get a Sentinel or a Harbinger, then get a Warden BUK from someone's buyback list.
In the current PU you get both. :)


Space Marshal
Sep 27, 2016
RSI Handle
What’s a BUK ? I’ve seen this mentioned a few times now
BUKs (Battle Upgrade Kit) are the old idea of CIG regarding modularity.
They aren't sold anymore and will never be sold again.
Idea was to provide a Kit which changes the Vanguard Warden into the Sentinel or Harbinger (and vice versa). The new Idea is probably to replace them with all necessary components needed to change the ship. (once the system is in place ™)


Space Marshal
Sep 27, 2016
RSI Handle
Ahh , can see why this was stopped... monies
Old model was full modularity like every ship can do everything to a certain extinct.
We will see how the new modularity will work. In theory the Vanguard still can be fully modular. Just swap out the middle section, guns and some stuff and Tada.


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
The Sentinel (Electronic Warfare) and Harbinger (torpedo bomber) variants are currently on sale since they're flight ready w/ 3.7 but not the base version for some reason.
The Sentinel and Harbinger are both now flight ready, which is why they are on sale. The Warden and Hoplyte have both been flight ready for some time.


Space Marshal
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I really like the sentinel, particularly the internal design. Not enough to trade out any of my existing glut of ships, but I still like it. Gotta save something to get in the live verse.
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