Vanguard is a beast of a tank


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Someone explain to me the appeal of the Warden over the others? I have strong prejudices in favor of each of the other three but don't see the point behind the Warden in most things.
The Harbinger is a bomber and has a torpedo module.
The Sentinel is an E-war ship and has an E stuff module.
The Hoplite is a dropship and has no dropship module since it isn't interchangeable with the other variants, It is build as a dropship.
The Warden is a long range fighter. It has a module with: a kitchen, a shower, small weapon rack, some store room and most important, 2 beds. If you are on a far distance mission, then you also can choose to go to bed and log off in the middle of nowhere. The other variants need to land at a place with habs in order to log off.

Comparable to the Retaliator, you have torpedo modules, cargo modules, a dropship module and living modules. The Talli has 2 interchangeable modules, which means that you can choose to equip 1 module with a living module, sacrificing some torpedoes or cargo capacity in order to make it long range.
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Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
The Harbinger is a bomber and has a torpedo module.
The Sentinel is an E-war ship and has an E stuff module.
The Hoplite is a dropship and has no dropship module since it isn't interchangeable with the other variants, It is build as a dropship.
The Warden is a long range fighter. It has a module with: a kitchen, a shower, small weapon rack, some store room and most important, 2 beds. If you are on a far distance mission, then you also can choose to go to bed and log off in the middle of nowhere. The other variants need to land at a place with habs in order to log off.
With the rework, the Hoplite was implied that it was modular. We shall have to wait and see though.

All but the Hoplite have beds and are designed for long range.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
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Shadow Reaper
Yes, this is why I am curious how the Warden has so many fans. The beds in the warden actually act as lifeboats, that preserve the life of those inside of the ship gets all blown up. Who is actually going to get into one of them just before things go boom? The bomber module, troop module and EWar module all make sense to me, and I like the weapons on the warden best, but I don't see the appeal of the Warden over the others.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Yes, this is why I am curious how the Warden has so many fans. The beds in the warden actually act as lifeboats, that preserve the life of those inside of the ship gets all blown up. Who is actually going to get into one of them just before things go boom? The bomber module, troop module and EWar module all make sense to me, and I like the weapons on the warden best, but I don't see the appeal of the Warden over the others.
I assume in the evential game it may well be price...

If you need a deep-space fighter you don't need to waste extra credits filling it with tech weirdness or cap-ship crippling torpedos when you are taking on Glaves and whatever else that have with enough range to get to the darkest points between stars.

For pledging there isn't much in it between the versions but they have always said there is no corrolation between the pledge cost and the in game cost.

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Yeah all Vanguard have same gun rack, same storage space, same beds, same kitchen and same toilet.

Only thing that is different in the modules are layout (where things are) and what they're equipped with.

Rest of them are identical exception for load out of gun, turret and color...

And if the Hoplite is to compatible now with this remake we have that module to..



Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Yeah all Vanguard have same gun rack, same storage space, same beds, same kitchen and same toilet.

Only thing that is different in the modules are layout (where things are) and what they're equipped with.

Rest of them are identical exception for load out of gun, turret and color...

And if the Hoplite is to compatible now with this remake we have that module to..

Where is the difference in modules then?


The torpedo rack of the Harbinger?


The E-war stuff of the Sentinel


The shower and medikit of the Warden?

If you die, at least would be a clean death 😆


Space Marshal
May 22, 2014
RSI Handle
I always thought the Sentinel would be the best and I was not wrong. Just need to change out the weapons to a warden loadout and it creams the pirates. If too much trouble release an emp and then destroy floundering ship. Those pirate Auroras though really do far more damage than any other ship other than a pirate vanguard.


Grand Admiral
May 27, 2018
RSI Handle
I guess if the Sentinel has some sort of EMP generator that is reusable that would make it more attractive to me than the Harbringer, restocking torpedoes might get expensive. If I pick up a Sentinel I would want to get a Warden BUKs? How hard to find are those?
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Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
I guess if the Sentinel has some sort of EMP generator that is reusable that would make it more attractive to me than the Harbringer, restocking torpedoes might get expensive. If I pick up a Sentinel I would want to get a Warden BUKs? How hard to find are those?
it does have EMP generator similar as warlock,,, but it 's turned of by default .. !


Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I guess if the Sentinel has some sort of EMP generator that is reusable that would make it more attractive to me than the Harbringer, restocking torpedoes might get expensive. If I pick up a Sentinel I would want to get a Warden BUKs? How hard to find are those?
I've never found a warden BUK. But I do have an extra Harby BUK from 2017 with 6 month insurance.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
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Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
I bought separate Harbinger and Sentinel Modules last year on Valentin's day so that text is not entirely correct !



Space Marshal
Jan 2, 2016
RSI Handle
General Fisting
Today I went and tried out Multi-player pirate swarm to see if I could get a win and check out the new Pirate Gladius. Since it's been a while since I did AC, or really, any fighting with my ships, I decided to go a little bit more defensive and use the Vanguard warden as my ship of choice.

So, the first round went easy as pie...then during the second round as I was going for an ammo replenishment...Collision. Warning lights flashed and the voice calmly announced...weapons destroyed, engine destroyed. I glance at my ship status readout and it looks like one of the other ships (another Warden), struck my starboard side, shearing off my right wing and engine nacelle. Testing to see if my main weapons still worked, I noticed that the chain gun and 2 of the 4 laser cannons still functioned. Ok, I can work with this. I will just fight this ship until it falls the rest of the way apart.

We finish the second round...I'm still alive. Round three, four all go by. During round seven, a missile gets though, damaging my left (and only remaining) engine. It starts to sputter. Acceleration is down, and it looks like it took some of my remaining maneuvering thrusters as my rate of turn as also fallen. Ok, it's given me 5 rounds. I guess the end is near.

Round eight starts...I'm mostly just sitting there, letting my gun shoot at all those fancy red gladiuses...when low and behold, a wrench appears before me. I coax my ship to it...left engine fully repaired, right engine nacelle and wing restored. Still no right engine, but I'm back in the game.

Round nine, another repair wrench...back to full combat capability.

Finally, we take out the Hammerhead in round 10. VICTORY....and I realize, that wreck of a ship survived the entire fight, and more than 6 of those rounds, she was missing almost half of her body.

So for those of you that are naysayers of the vanguard...yes, they have some weaknesses, but they are also one really tough nut to crack.
And I did the same thing in a freelancer Max that is $110 cheaper.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
And I did the same thing in a freelancer Max that is $110 cheaper.
Good to know there is a ship out there for everyone's own personal style 🙂

I take it one side of your ships weapons were knocked offline (as in one side pair of guns of the Freelancer were taken off) leaving 2x s3's to equal the one s4 and 2x s2's for it to be the same? Were you running a stock loadout or the Meta Scatter-Guns which are decimating the field right now?
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