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  1. Michael

    I've made a monster of a package

    My wife safes me money too when shoes are on sale. :p I'm almost a millionaire by now
  2. Michael

    New road map

    never overestimate people on the internet
  3. Michael

    New road map

  4. Michael

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    Germany Covid numbers seem to plateau but are still relativly high: - partial lockdown gets extended till christmas - meaning that mask should be worn also in front of businesses and parking lots - private gatherings are limited to 5 people. (excluding kids) - there should be no more than 1...
  5. Michael

    Finding player crew for your multi-crew ship

    Currently i assume that out of those 3 Mio accounts 2 Million have a ship worth less than $100. (Starter pack or none). Currently SC is still in a bad state as multiplayer for new players to hire up on your ship. I hope in the future we willk see that fixed. Which will make a lot more viable to...
  6. Michael

    Star Citizen Expo day 5: MISC

    thats why i call it "done". Considering the state of most ships we probably have just a few ships which are done.
  7. Michael

    What the heck!? Chris is making a killing

    I'd like to add that people stay more inside. Spend less on travel and flight therefore having more money to shove into that project. So long term backers might have shoved more money into cig. And casual players might have stepped up their game. Without official stats on that we can only assume.
  8. Michael

    Any plans for a Test UEC bank?

    Wait that would actually require organisation, structure and coordination. What is wrong with you?
  9. Michael

    What the heck!? Chris is making a killing

    source: wait for the perseus sale uwu tldw: CIG topped their best year already in August.
  10. Michael

    Star Citizen Expo day 5: MISC

    afaik the Hull C is "done" but needs tech - larger cargo container (reducing load on server) - dynamic physics grids (storing cargo "outside" of the ship) - docking Hulls and Starfarer somehow have a special place in my heart.
  11. Michael

    Fleet View Website

    If you want to discover more Here is a collection of useful, interesting websites:
  12. Michael

    Horrible Hercules Starlifter tease in todays video!

    actually i like the M2 more for that reason. (riskier cargo transport) but its beyond what i actually want to spend on at the moment. Ofc i could melt stuff around and pay for it, but i also like the current small fleet i have.
  13. Michael

    Horrible Hercules Starlifter tease in todays video!

    exactly this. also i already have the caterpillar which somehow does the same thing
  14. Michael

    Scoundrel Pack got removed still available through buyback

    Farewell good old friend. I guess you've become too good. It looks like its still available as buyback. So you you might consider buying it before it gets completely removed.
  15. Michael

    GP-33 Grenade Launcher Location Price (aUEC) Crusader - Yela - Grim HEX - Skutters 7325 Delamar - Levski - Conscientious Objects 7325 ArcCorp - Area18 - Plaza - Centermass 7325 microTech - New Babbage - The Commons - Plaza -...
  16. Michael

    Useful Links for Star Citizen

    updated mining guide and added ccu faq
  17. Michael

    Leaked images of Perseus. Looks like a cap ship killer!

    Nomad i guess its a nice starter ship Perseus: wooo deez guns! Price speculations? My guess is 675 store credit. to much for me but love to man that size 10 turret
  18. Michael

    Question about Joysticks/Yolks

    looks like we aren't talking about yolk?
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