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  1. Lienna

    Raffle - Winners Announced!! Window stickers and a Merlin!

    Test squadron Best squardon!!! ID: Lienna Gotta get that car swag... any chance of a sticker that says "my other ride is an Aegis"? No... Ah well.
  2. Lienna


    This needs to be highlighted more, we are a big org with plenty of people with no fiscal control, if you want to try your hand at flying a tali I'm sure some of us, myself included, would be willing to let you take the pilot seat once AC2.0 and the PU come round
  3. Lienna

    I am an old man who got lost on the way to the shops....... can I sit here a while ?

    Welcome to Test! Whereabouts on the south coast are you? I'm from Southampton, always nice to see new people from this neck of the woods!
  4. Lienna

    Hi Everybody

    This here is a man who isn't afraid to jump right in and play with his testies! Welcome!
  5. Lienna

    Movie Night 8/10/15

    Another Monday night when I can't stay up :( Still at lease I can fix your briefs: Labyrinth (1986) Totes amazeball/10 Summary: In Jim Henson's fantasy, the camera man refuses to take a single shot without the majesty of David Bowie's codpiece. The Interview (2014) It's not racist when you...
  6. Lienna

    TEST pilot confirmed

    I just noticed, the force of that crash smashes the cockpit at the front of the Connie!
  7. Lienna


    Soo ummm... whoops? (no regrets)
  8. Lienna


    My excuse for not buying a tali was always the price point... now they dangle it in front of my at a much lower price, with LTI. Dammit I'm tempted, but I blew my overpriced ship budget on a vanguard!
  9. Lienna

    So about that SC hotas

    I get the feeling a trackball won't be as easy to use as people night hope, guess we'll see in time. At first sight I was relaly put off, an X52 with a flimsy throttle, then they show it stuck to the keyboard and it makes more sense. X65 based premium version though, looks nice, but damn it...
  10. Lienna

    Citizen Con 2014 Recap Video!

    My Cam-corder is coming, Panasonic HC-V500 nothing too fancy, but HD with decent sound and zoom for a handheld. I might want help editing the video (I could do it, but I'm sure other people could do it better/faster), but you will all be getting something to see what it was like :)
  11. Lienna

    [CITIZENCON ROLE CALL!!!] Weekend Accomodation for CitizenCon, Manchester in October

    Not sure about webcam, but I will be taking my Hi-def Camcorder, pink panties shall be recorded in HD for posterity!
  12. Lienna

    Getting older...

    Pants are a different thing in the UK... Still a tempting plan though
  13. Lienna

    Getting older...

    It's my birthday tomorrow and my Fiancé has to go away for work. Sad, I know, truly the epitome of first world problems. But I want to have a decent day (even if I have to work for half of it) So I'm looking to crowd source some ideas from you awesome people! I was considering doing some...
  14. Lienna

    TEST Birthday Bundles

    This sounds pretty cool, know there are a few of you I'd like to chuck a present towards!
  15. Lienna

    [UK] X52 Pro Saitek HOTAS

    The twist on the X52 is usable but imprecise, you also may find yourself activating slight twists when you make hard turns which can mess up your manoeuvres. That being said I'm still not used to my pedals, it takes some practice to be accurate with them at first, but the extra 3 axis are much...
  16. Lienna

    [UK] X52 Pro Saitek HOTAS

  17. Lienna

    [UK] X52 Pro Saitek HOTAS

    If anyone is worried about dirt then I could spend some time one day cleaning it up a bit, pretty sure it's dirt rather than decay
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