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  1. Ayeteeone

    Mercury Star Runner outrage and Zyloh Response

    @Montoya What I am not seeing talked about is one of the key points Zyloh brought up - that part of the reason driving this method was a desire to avoid leaks that would steal the thunder of the release. That issue is our fault, in Evocati. There are too many who, umm.. 'ignore' the NDA to...
  2. Ayeteeone

    s2 gun same speed as suggerpunch s1 Current patch and PTU data are both available in this tool. As I understand it, Convergence reduces this issue, and you can set a default convergence value (i.e. 800 meters) in the Game Options.
  3. Ayeteeone

    Rumors being spread on spectrum of how nice our glorious leader is!

    You know, I understand this was meant tongue-in-cheek... but no. Just, no. You might not get how deep of an insult lies within your words.
  4. Ayeteeone

    Mercury Cult - Now on Live! Go Fly!

    The official line is that they wanted the button to show up in the PTU. Since that was a 'testing' item, seems likely. As gorgeous as the Nightrunner skin is, would be good to have options for the zillion or so MSR's that will be zooming around burning metric tons of hydrogen....
  5. Ayeteeone

    Montoya's EPIC Mercury Star Runner Review

    ....there was supposed to be an earth-shattering kaboom... How can this be TEST without an earth-shattering kaboom?
  6. Ayeteeone

    Mercury Cult - Now on Live! Go Fly!

    Do a fresh copy to the PTU, and you should have it. It's not expected to be on Live till this weekend.
  7. Ayeteeone

    Is there a trick to completing pirate swarm in 3.11? It seems much harder.

    The Arena Commander modes have not had any real attention for a bit. Devs have commented that they know an update is needed, but that it's not worth throwing bandaid code at it. As far as harder, should not be by any action on their part.. just inaction as things have broke and not been given...
  8. Ayeteeone

    Mercury Cult - Now on Live! Go Fly!

    Ever play EvE Online? It was easy to have many ships, but even with the 'clone jumping' mechanic in place it was a constant game of shuffling what you wanted/needed to be in a certain place. It was much easier to keep several copies of commonly used utility ships, especially things like the...
  9. Ayeteeone

    Mercury Cult - Now on Live! Go Fly!

    This, really. The game area is going to be huge, and especially if you have a favorite ship, being able to use them in different places makes a lot of sense. A classic example would be a Titan in every system, for it's efficiency doing missions, and an MSR for traveling. It's a choice, really...
  10. Ayeteeone

    Joystick advice...

    Seriously many good comments here.. it's covered well. My adds - I run dual stick, Virpil Alphas. Yes, it's pricey. Yes, I wasted a lot of money on cheaper controls. Dual stick is mentally easier than HOTAS; you push, the ship goes. My son is also a M&K player.. he prefers Left stick for...
  11. Ayeteeone

    MSR makes MAX and Cutty Black obsolete? Thoughts?

    Other than the very basic starter ships, I don't think any ship so far obsoletes any other ship. Hell, even Auroras have a place, if only to be flown into the SUN! Some good discussion presented in this thread; it's my opinion that as the game systems continue to develop we will see less...
  12. Ayeteeone

    MSR makes MAX and Cutty Black obsolete? Thoughts?

    Actually, it doesn't remain. I was doing it last night.
  13. Ayeteeone

    Eradicator Throwing Shade at Montoya

    There was much whining in the PTU tonight as Evo and some streamers brought the ships out. But there were many more who asked for and got time in the ship, no drama required. This clown doesn't deserve the attention; I cut him from my YT watch list ages ago.
  14. Ayeteeone

    Mercury Cult - Now on Live! Go Fly!

    Ladies and Gents.. Get your hands on one to check out as soon as you are able. I've been flying and showing it off tonight - right now, I'd live it it. RL I'd sell everything and just move in. As noted, it's been upsized and upgunned a bit from concept. 4 size 2 and 2 size 3 missiles, on...
  15. Ayeteeone

    Ship ownership Poll!

    Have you played EvE Online?
  16. Ayeteeone

    Consolidated Outland "New Arrival"

    What is impressing me most.. is that we are this close to release and nothing is known but the name (from dataminers) and the rough size (from the showroom floor). Everything else is speculation.
  17. Ayeteeone

    Consolidated Outland "New Arrival"

    You guys nail this.. whatever the ship turns out to be, this particular area is in desperate need of options. The Cutty is a great ship save that it's not a liveaboard.. the no amenities issue will matter as the game continues to develop. The Lancers are also great, but lack of weapon/armor...
  18. Ayeteeone

    2020 AnniVERSEary Sale...THIS YEAR!

    As Blind Owl said, the Harbinger is a solid choice. Warden is all about absorbing and giving a beatdown. Sentinel comes stock with Stealth components. I enjoy fighting with it but not a great choice for brawling. Hoplite is fun with a crowd, we use them in CFT's to move people around. The...
  19. Ayeteeone

    2020 AnniVERSEary Sale...THIS YEAR!

    SOOOO.. exactly how much does this concession add to the price of your Kraken.... asking for a friend lol.
  20. Ayeteeone

    Mercury Cult - Now on Live! Go Fly!

    If this ship doesn't go *FAST* it won't be the fault of the Art Department... !!
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