I believe I will be finally playing this. I was waiting for the PC release. Almost pulled the trigger on the X1 release a couple of months back. Glad I held out this long.
Oh god, he has no idea yet ! He thinks I am going to let him ride around in my Carrack? Hell no, get yourself a Vanguard and watch my six! We need to make money around this bitch!
Whatever you normally watch, put it on the back burner and give firefly a go. The pilot is a little rough (needed to establish characters), but train job and the episodes after really start to shine. You will love it. If you don't then we can't be friends and you are probably a corporation...
How do you switch between missile types while fighting? I always just have to use mine in default order because I never figured out how to change it up on the fly.
I can see why its delayed, the PTU is very buggy right now. Unless they have some other patches ready to test internally its hard to believe itll come out next week even.