I think I've seen all I need to when it comes to these Mining Claims and what they can have in them. Its the same as all the other asteroid mining locations.
Ore Location Index will go Live today sometime in the Guide.
Thank you to everyone that helped.
This confirms what I got last night at CRUL3 + hadanite. I even found a 19% concentration 67% overall mass borase rock.
...........didn't bring my Helix mole to mine. I had brought the stock one.
microTech is now done. Just need to verify a couple of the mining claim areas to see if my theory is right and if it is I'll publish this. If anyone has additions please let me know.
Wave 1 PTU is up for 3.8.1: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/4/thread/star-citizen-alpha-3-8-1-ptu-4089962-patch-notes
To summarize though for the Mole bug fixes:
So the big ones are that the Mole now has its 96 SCU cargo and the overlapping scanning is gone.
Found this on my run at microtech before a tree ended my ship:
Agricium, Titanium, Diamond, Gold, Copper, Beryl, Tungsten, Corundum, Quartz, Aluminium Hadanite, Aphorite, Dolivine
Anyone have anything to add?
If anyone is around Hurston and has an investigation to a cave for Hurston, please see what FPM stuff is inside one. That's the last bit of info needed for Hurston and its moons.
@Glum I already had the Yela belt in the 1st post done. Thanks for checking again.