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  1. Kersakov

    It is happening!! Fallout 4 official countdown!

    Co-op Fallout would be awesome.
  2. Kersakov

    It is happening!! Fallout 4 official countdown!

    Fallout 3 is arguably my favorite game of all time. If there is any game release that will have me as excited as the PU launch, it will be Fallout 4...
  3. Kersakov

    The MISC Reliant - Ship Talk Commentary #3

    TEST Critical Arguing at it's finest...
  4. Kersakov

    Can we please host a Test Radio station

    I love the idea of a radio station I just think that maybe it's a bit early right now, I mean, there isn't a universe to report on yet. Anything like ATV and the other videos, I watch anyway and I'm sure lots of people do so I don't need a radio station to repeat bits from them. What I would...
  5. Kersakov

    The MISC Reliant - Ship Talk Commentary #3

    Wasn't going to get it for money reasons. Read the Article and wanted it but just managed to hold off. Read this about the LTI, now I have one :/
  6. Kersakov

    Hornets Attack! - Ship Talk #10: The Hornets

    I've got a Hornet as a placeholder for my Vanguard and I love it, probably my favorite ship to fly. I definately intent to get either a Ghost or a Tracker in the PU but I can't decide which quite yet. I rented a Ghost and my mate said he could physically see me hovering in AC but couldn't pick...
  7. Kersakov

    Graphics Cards Died.

    Good luck with the Navy dude; I guess I might see you in the fleet. I would help with your card but I am also poor 22 year old. :/
  8. Kersakov

    MISC Reliant now on sale (May 22nd - 32nd)

    I'll definately be getting on in the PU but I can't justify more SC money right now, even if it is only $50
  9. Kersakov

    Military TESTies

    I've technically been a Royal Navy Reserve for 4 years as I head through Uni; I'm due to go full time and go into Officer Training in September but there is now a chance that won't happen for health reasons, I should find out in the next month or two. If it does happen I will be training as a...
  10. Kersakov

    Galaxy Heist

    I think Star Citizen has made me a bit of a snob, I like the concept but it just seems cheap...
  11. Kersakov

    TEST-fleet uniforms, anyone?

    As soon as I can afford patches, I intend to sew them onto my old Navy Dress Uniform, then I just need to figure out how to make a TEST Cap Badge for my Peak.
  12. Kersakov

    Ship Talk Blog - Updates and Future Discussions

    Can't wait for the Crucible...
  13. Kersakov

    Operations/Field Command (Brainstorm/Discussion)

    I really like this idea and want to get into tactics/strategy at a minimum, maybe command myself too if I'm up to it (The Royal Navy thinks I am at least...). I think its a good idea but important to note that in an org like TEST it's a bit much to go right down to Squad commanders, even for...
  14. Kersakov

    TEST meeting: What hours are best for you?

    Nearly said Europeans and British but decided not to risk the controversy.
  15. Kersakov

    TEST meeting: What hours are best for you?

    Not 9pm nooooo. Think of the Europeans
  16. Kersakov

    I think I found our official beer mugs

    There's loads of companies that do them but usually in batches of 50. I got some for my snow club last year, worked out at like £5.30 or so each (Google for weird american prices $8 maybe). They we're decent engraving quality too.
  17. Kersakov

    Test Selfie Thread; show me some Testies

    Here's me and some Stones...
  18. Kersakov

    Google Hangout Nights

    These look awesome. As soon as I'm done dying of exam poisoning, I'll have to join one.
  19. Kersakov


    Good another Brit (even if it is a Northern one). Welcome mate.
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