Good question. Now I must fly to a Tibetan monestary where I'll train under an old guy of some non-major religious affiliation and seek enlightenment. This may take a while.
Yela Belt Expedition - Sunday Oct 20 2:00pm EST / 6:00pm UTC
Start Location: Port Olisar
Destination: Yela Asteroid Belt
Primary Purpose: Mine Gemstones & Asteroids
Secondary Purpose: Establish perimeter security procedures & reaction times for protected ships & Personnel
15 mins...
I'm just doing a small poll not only of interest but availability to see if such a thing would be possible on a weekday evening US hours. The fallback to this is to do the Op either the 26th or 27th on the weekend before Halloween.
While details still need to be worked out the basic premise of...
The next event is being worked out right now and probably will be published tomorrow. It's a simpler, but tighter plan with less travel involved and in a more friendly to reach place using lessons learned from this one.