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  1. Frisbeerocker

    [Discussion] What ground rules should we canonize in TEST?

    Suggesting Montoya isn't already a Cueball Dicktator, how quaint.
  2. Frisbeerocker

    lone_wollf 07 checking in

    My creeper senses are off the charts. Or maybe that's just from Mumble chat. Will do further research. Either way, welcome new TESTbro!!!
  3. Frisbeerocker

    Show some love for the RSI Orion!

    I approve of this.
  4. Frisbeerocker

    [Discussion] What ground rules should we canonize in TEST?

    Exactly. I have stated many times this is the only "rule" we need.
  5. Frisbeerocker

    Hi y'all...

    And so it begins. Can't wait for the inevitable arguments about who has to go change the diaper while on mumble.
  6. Frisbeerocker

    Ready to roll out!

    Most adults are "addicted" to coffee.
  7. Frisbeerocker

    Rock Raider Division - Logo Contest and Intro

    This is great, but I feel it needs to be in our overall TEST logo format. Basically give it the wings.
  8. Frisbeerocker

    CIG PAX Party - Boston, MA - Organization Thread (March 7th)

    Prepare your TEST shirts boys. I'll go next year. I'm moving back to Ohio the week of PAX, so that's out for me.
  9. Frisbeerocker

    Whats your theme music?

    Personally, this: But for TEST, I choose this:
  10. Frisbeerocker

    Anyone else getting Org spam from the Corporation?

    That video is GHEY!!! But seriously, I hence-forth pledge to grief every The Corporation member i see.
  11. Frisbeerocker

    We have an ARMA 3 server!

    Download Arma3Sync here: Install it and create a new repository by clicking on the [+] icon on the Repositories tab. Enter the following into the fields: Public auto-config url: Repository name: TEST Squadron Press...
  12. Frisbeerocker

    The Next Great TEST Mascot.

    So we were talking. We need a mascot (not Montoya). Ideas have been thrown around - good, bad...mostly bad. So we need the rest of TEST to chime in with mascot ideas - or better yet, art!!!
  13. Frisbeerocker

    TEST t-shirts are here!

    Ordered, but I'm having it shipped back home to Ohio. Will post pics when I move home and get it.
  14. Frisbeerocker


  15. Frisbeerocker

    TEST t-shirts are here!

    We need to get our handles printed across the back.
  16. Frisbeerocker

    NEW to TEST(ing 1...2..9000!!!!)

    In fact, misspelling grants you higher level. Tis the TEST way.
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