Here I really dont question if modularity will be implemented since there are quite a few ships relying on this feature : vanguard, retaliator, javelin, caterpillar, carrack, apollo, endeavor, MPUVs... It is just a matter of when.
Yes, event is still going, until the end of the month (FAQ link under). Just got my mask today.
I guess I'm missing something, I don't fall for the ship (love my cute andromeda too much)... but I just fell for the hype train here so I just bought back a prospector to MSR CCU, just in case, so no potential regrets 😅
Won't be the first time they have forgotten something (but I doubt it for this item). I'm still waiting for my crossbow reward from backing Shroud Of The Avatar, and despite question to concierge support, no reply other than they "won't comment on not released or planned features"... it does not...
Replying to another post I just reread that info ;
The Vanguard Hoplite is a variant of the Vanguard Warden and does not have a Module hardpoint inside to take any of the other three items, it can still mount the nose and turret items from other vanguards however.
Source ...
Actually BUK will be replaced by something else : Combo Packs. They will drop the BUK system in lieu of those packs. Owners of BUKs will receive packs instead. So far not much more info since the 2 originals Q&A about BUKs and the article about Combo Packs...
Sorry for the late reply @Sirus7264 , in addition to what Mich said, the subcriber CCU (and standalone) always comes with 3 bonus flairs (which are flairs from previous subscriber monthly rewards).
Wondering why people comes here to buy them now from Testies, when most Testies resell at cost... So tbh i suspect resellers mostly since they go for 80-100$ on ebay, when ALL previous Voyager Direct items will be available to purchase ingame.
I mostly remember him giving huge support to the failed kickstarter project "The Mandate" (which i backed not because of him). We were gratefull that his minions helped the game to be funded on KS, but the devs behind this project simply screwed it all. That is the problem with those channels...
I was waiting for this game to be compatible with win10 for ages. The community patched version is great but i was expecting vanilla game to work fine aswell. GOG finally released it again yesterday. Hope it will make its way on Steam too...
I try to avoid FPS when i can, because i simply suck at it and it is not my taste for gameplay.
But it also adds a level of immersion which is nice. Even if i don't like FPS i can tag wih people that can do better if i need to run some ground missions.
Even if it is true that the game revolves...