Welcome man! Please work hard to earn your first Aurora. It's like...a test of faith + It's a badge of honor really :O
:D If I see past some silly previous bad experiences we've had with stuff like this, I totally see the fun in it. Don't sweat it. You'll fit in! Welcome again! welcome welcome...
Yus! *self-pat on the back* Good job Shive ;D I look people into the eyes once and I never forget who they are! O_o like dat. The human chat log. Jk, I have goldfish memory, I think it's only because I wikipedia'd Rod Serling back then lol.
Anyway, glad to see you in test. I hope you swing by...
Welcome welcome Rod Serling.
If you're the same guy I recall from Chatroll years ago, then you are indeed a great person - almost too great to join test ;D Also if my high level memory doesn't fail me... you were stationed on a ship? (let's see if this is a hit or miss)
It's not the worst of times :p Kinda curious for what will happen when we hit the 100mill goal... well that and 2.0 :p
edit; woops, forgot what I came here to say in the first place: WELCOME TO TEST! :D
Malaysia ehh? That's pretty cool! You're among a few, pretty rare actually, like a gemstone...almost like...a Ruby... xDD
WELCOME TO TEST! :D There's more bad Shive-jokes where that one came from xD