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  1. Shive

    Holy shit! The Marine concept looks amazing!

    Aw man =( I'd rather have a good character creator than all these suits.
  2. Shive

    TEST ARK server is up and running

    Face to face combat, \o/. At the end I wavered strongly towards an evening set for pvp with rollbacks. Use the winter-dome or w/e as a zone, and see what would happen, and perhaps do a few rounds with rollbacks, and then go back to normal. Hydro could also have made an arena w/e. But to play...
  3. Shive

    TEST ARK Server

    :( our stuff disappeared from a new base. Probably theft. cba to farm, I quit.
  4. Shive

    TEST ARK Server

    Box3r, I think I saw you join in yesterday - you got anyone in your tribe thingie?
  5. Shive

    TEST ARK Server

    okay, it's really good if you look at the list of people ye? Find a few others and get agreed to start together. That's like what's gonna give you the best experience! It's hard to start out single, not very motivating. Grouped play on the other hand - is a lot of fun. Edit, you're welcome to...
  6. Shive

    TEST ARK Server

    Just started so...1?...2?...1???
  7. Shive

    TEST IN ARK!!!!

    That's fantastic :) Look out for a post by "Hydro". He'll set up some discussion for how the server can be run. >_< so it's not pure dictatorship from Shive, haha. Discussions about how PvP could be done so it's fun for all, mods for the server, server settings, events - that kind of stuff.
  8. Shive

    TEST IN ARK!!!!
  9. Shive

    TEST IN ARK!!!!

  10. Shive

    February Giveaway - Rise of the Tomb Raider! [DONE!]

    Has to be a date in some kind of ruins inside a volcano, surrounded by evil. There we will sweat, and it'll make our clothes wet, which is hot, and then I'll unfold my picnic stuff which I have in my backpack. Also there will be candles and it's night so it's really cozy, and then I'll pull out...
  11. Shive

    Ezz reporting for duty

    Depends on whether or not you wanna use some of the bugs currently in game, and which ones :P If you use infinite boost the 350 > m50 > mustang omega, with the 350R being the hardest and the m50 the easiest. If you use infinite boost + damage bugs, the Mustang Omega > 350R > m50 (on...
  12. Shive

    Ezz reporting for duty

    Thanks ;D It was Ezzpecially easy on this patch.
  13. Shive

    Ezz reporting for duty

    Welcome :) You seem like an "ezzy" going pall :D
  14. Shive

    Greetings all

    Welcome comrade =)
  15. Shive

    Greetings TESTies

    Hurray! Hussar!! Excelsior!! Welcome!!1
  16. Shive

    Raise a glass for Alan Rickman (RIP) :(

    Yop yop, people come and go, such is nature. Mostly I just know him for "Leviosaaaar" hence this parody link XD:
  17. Shive

    Totally Not Secretly A Cat

    Nyaaat~ sure mwat to feel. Welcome though... cat
  18. Shive

    Been feeling depressed. Need some help staying positive.

    Listen! You're a strong independant person! You're beautiful, no matter what they say, as Christina Aguilera would say. SMILE! JUST....SMILE! All day, life is good. It really is. Even when you think it isn't! It still is!
  19. Shive


    I stopped reading when I saw your name - you're one of us now! Welcome man!
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