Guys, I've had exactly 89 subs for almost a year, and last time I checked, I had 88. I don't care who does it, but someone has to fill that hole! Like, I'm not even begging, I am straight up demanding. Ofc, I'll do something in return like, bind your shoelaces, rub your backs or perhaps cook you...
I was kinda okay, until I started scrolling...and scrolling... :( (wtf the hyperlinks don't work, fix @Montoya!?!?) have a feeling I might not have studied enough, but! Then again! gotta be a censor somewhere, so urm, I'll take that job. (phew, safe from the exam, sorta)
I've been embarrassed by my own quality of videos for the longest time, and I thought to myself earlier today that I need to step it up and make some more on a regular, yet not too often basis... so, yop, I strongly consider =)