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  1. Stevetank

    Griefing Pirating how will they balance this?

    I have no idea what this is supposed to mean.
  2. Stevetank

    Griefing Pirating how will they balance this?

    I'm a pirate but I haven't found anyone to extort or attack yet. I'm constantly looking for people but I rarely find them. I found like 3 guys in Cyclones once, but they weren't doing anything to make money, so I left them alone. It's not like trying to extort 1,000 aUEC from some Prospector...
  3. Stevetank

    Fleet meltdown...

    $10 says you can't crash em all at the same time, lol.
  4. Stevetank

    Fleet meltdown...

    Which one was the Kraken again? I'm losing track.
  5. Stevetank

    Fleet meltdown...

    So by Idris K, do you mean an Idris P with the K kit or did they sell an Idris K stand alone?
  6. Stevetank

    Industry Well this rocks....

    the Prospector SUCKS.... .... up the rocks and puts it in the bags for you. I could use one but I'm doubling down that I'll like the Vulture salvage gameplay more, so I think I'll wait before I trade a ship for one. At least I have a loaner :D
  7. Stevetank

    Is this a thing or a fake?

    Hey, forum rules. No porn! Get that sim pit out of here, ha. Nice job by the way.
  8. Stevetank

    Industry Ariel super rock

    Dude... That sucks... We need to get you some moe bags!
  9. Stevetank

    Industry Ariel super rock

    You mean 23%? Your pic shows 74% innert materials.
  10. Stevetank

    Help needed

    My usual answer of 'just buy both ships' doesn't seem to work here 😟
  11. Stevetank

    Something we need to do.

    All with Auroras or Aurora carriers?
  12. Stevetank

    Ya'll Need Help

    Welcome! Pls help!
  13. Stevetank

    Fighting at 7 km

    The extended range is good but only when your target can't dodge. Shooting large targets or those with a linear path are possible, but not against fighters. Most fighting videos that I watch recommend getting within 500m before firing with panthers or gatling guns, despite the longer range...
  14. Stevetank

    Idris P "Upgrade" Clarification

    So the kit gets the insurance money when the Idris P dies? 😵
  15. Stevetank

    Yes, Idris Pavillion at Aerospace Expo

    Needs more black and yellow :D
  16. Stevetank

    Yes, Idris Pavillion at Aerospace Expo

    That's not even the biggerest ship :D
  17. Stevetank

    Anniversary Sale Megathread - See First Post for Links - Ends Dec 4

    60fps, that's a lot of pictures. Thanks!
  18. Stevetank

    Anniversary Sale Megathread - See First Post for Links - Ends Dec 4

    Anyone have any idris pics from the expo?
  19. Stevetank

    Joystick vs controller

    I have a small desk and I have to constantly switch around what I have in front of me from my KB+M to my drawing tablet to books. A command center is out of the question for me, ha. I just don't have the room for dual sticks AND M+KB on my desk, so for when I get up to walk around or fiddle...
  20. Stevetank

    Joystick vs controller

    I do M+KB. I used to do dual sticks. I went back to M+KB because I mostly fly the bigger ships with the big gimballed guns, so using dual sticks was kind of moot for me. Now that I have a few ships that I'll be flying that are big with fixed guns (600i) or big with no pilot guns (Carrack...
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