This, here is my experience with different kind of ships and innputs:
Whenever possible i prefer dual sticks over every other input method for flying, it gives full 6 DOF with twist axis.
Dual Sticks is much more immersive than every other input method. (you might want to add pedals i have no experience with that). I think its definitly worth on smaller combat ships to replace gimballs with fixed guns and fly Hosas. Pedals are totally optional here if you're fine using Twist axis.
Good on every ship when flown in non combat, so i'm not going to mention that again.
Combat (fixed guns)
Gladius, Super Hornet, Sabre, Buccaneer ...
For bigger Ships like Caterpillar you might want to use whatever floats your boat since you will rely more on your turrets than your own turning capability -> HOSAS or HOSAM
I always missed some degree of freedom with my hotas (hotas x was and probably still is a piece of junk, get Hall Sensors). Pedals might be very helpful avoiding that problem.
SInce this isn't my prefered input i would say this might be superior and immersive in athmospheric combat with the same ships as hosas
In combat with ships which have gimbals (or turrets controlled by the pilot) you will want to prefer mouse (maybe HOSAM). You might want to use a mouse with programmable buttons to add roll or pedals.
Combat (Gimbal):
Freelancer, Cutlass, Constellation,
Game Controller:
I never liked input with game controller, but i'm also not a console player so might be releated to that.
Other input you might want to consider:
Voice Attack:
its really neat, cheap to use but you might want to buy an additional voice pack. Also takes some time to set up. You'll have to remember voice commands / setup duplicates. Also sometimes it doesn't recognizes my voice on the first try. Also Star Citizen might implement its own voice attack (mentioned in one of the recent CAD)
Elcato stream:
deck greatly enhances your keys with visible symbols and nested folder structure.
As i wouldn't recommend building your own stick, you might be able to build your own command centre with an Arduino, BUO0836A or other stuff like that. (BUO is probably the easier way)
A Testie made something here: