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  1. Han Burgundy

    Giant murder wasps in Blaine WA which is 10min away from me.. how scared should I be?

    I think I shall trade my Bug-a-salt shotgun for a 12 guage sawn-off, ThankYouVeryMuch
  2. Han Burgundy

    That's what makes the screenshots relatable, it GETS THE PEOPLE GOIN!

    That's what makes the screenshots relatable, it GETS THE PEOPLE GOIN!
  3. Han Burgundy

    Pro tip: If you're designing a book cover, but also happen suck at photoshop, lean into the...

    Pro tip: If you're designing a book cover, but also happen suck at photoshop, lean into the whole "vintage" aesthetic...
  4. Han Burgundy

    Assassins Creed Valhalla

    Am I the only one who is annoyed that they continue to avoid plucking the low-hanging fruit that is NINJA assassins? How the hell is a bellowing bloody viking a freakin assassin? I get that they are trying to do an England/Templars thing, but it just seems to sacrifice stealthy gameplay...
  5. Han Burgundy

    (solved) Skype blocks my online games?

    *Tin-foil hat on* Did you use an installer from Skype's site or one that your work provided you? *Remove hat, but eye it suspiciously as it sits on the desk*
  6. Han Burgundy

    3.9 goes Live

    Helmet go *Pop-Pop*
  7. Han Burgundy

    It's just allergies, baby, I swear!

    It's just allergies, baby, I swear!
  8. Han Burgundy

    Have you used said megaphone to read passages of Fifty Shades of Gray to them at 6:30 in the...

    Have you used said megaphone to read passages of Fifty Shades of Gray to them at 6:30 in the morning? That'll get em goin...
  9. Han Burgundy

    Carrack should be out soon. Its in the latest 3.8.2 game files

    No, but I DO keep the elephant gun you suggested onhand....just in case.
  10. Han Burgundy

    Carrack should be out soon. Its in the latest 3.8.2 game files

    Nah, man. I don't think they were hers. They're definitely mypes if they're anyone's
  11. Han Burgundy

    Carrack should be out soon. Its in the latest 3.8.2 game files

    She is close....I feel it in my loins!
  12. Han Burgundy

    Need to board the Carrack hype train? I know I did...YEARS ago. That's why I wrote that book...

    Need to board the Carrack hype train? I know I did...YEARS ago. That's why I wrote that book starring one. Get your fix!:
  13. Han Burgundy

    What are your thoughts on this whole prison gameplay loop?

    I'm holding my judgement for additional news on the SCU capacity of our character's butthole. If I cant keester a good half-scu, it'll devastate my immersion.
  14. Han Burgundy

    Virpil Base Decision. Go for Gold or save the $$?

    Food for thought: Here is the proof-of-concept run on the custom mounts for my Virpil Setup. Pretty damn solid and I can quick swap them out for FPS. At the end of the day, you can really make anything work well with a little ingenuity. Only variable is how much cash you want to sink into...
  15. Han Burgundy


    ONE OF US!
  16. Han Burgundy

    3.8.1 is live! Get to discord and bask in the glory of medical beds

    So this means we can basically go fly an 890 somewhere then run CQB practice inside it with live rounds for as long as we please? Oh man, sign me up.
  17. Han Burgundy

    Cyberpunk release date pushed back

    This is the way...
  18. Han Burgundy

    What do you think survival mechanics will be like?

    *Hold F to Select Fire mode: -Fiber Missile -Spackle Charge -Froyo
  19. Han Burgundy

    What do you think survival mechanics will be like?

    I, for one, can't wait to have emergent gameplay opportunities such as shitting my pants while vaulting over a box during a gunfight because I was foolish enough to eat a three-day-old TorpedoBurrito. Talk about immersion.
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