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  1. drizzt001


    Hi GC, may I reserve some of your Tally Modules till November? Until then I will be qualified to buy them (Noob on Board ;)
  2. drizzt001

    [WTB]Add ons for my Tally

    sounds good! Until usable it will be another year anyways :)
  3. drizzt001

    [WTB]Add ons for my Tally

    Looking to buy the Cargo, Living and the Dropship Modules for my beloved Tally Bomber. If anyone has them in Buyback and no longer need them drop me a msg. I for myself can offer various upgrades and some of the newer LTI Concept ships that I have in my buyback. For melt +PP Fees of course.
  4. drizzt001

    WTB Ursa Rover or Lynx Rover

    have the offroad vehicle pack in buyback, can pass it for the original price + pp fees
  5. drizzt001

    GamesCom. . .

    Well, I fear the 600 will cost the original price of the 890j and will have 1/3 of the coolness of the 890j ;)
  6. drizzt001

    Greetings from Austria (the little brother of Germany ;)

    Well the Glaive is not for is just a beautiful Hangar Deko... I rather use the SH or Warden for a nice combat.... but hey who knows...maybe in 2-5 years the Glaive will be a "real" Dogfighter ;)
  7. drizzt001

    Greetings from Austria (the little brother of Germany ;)

    oooowww...hey Big brother...LL was my 2nd one, and still one of the best Sierra games Al Lowe said (and we will never forget) - "Save often, save early" :)
  8. drizzt001

    GamesCom. . .

    More interesting will be if they will sell the Origin 600 Series ;)
  9. drizzt001

    Greetings from Austria (the little brother of Germany ;)

    Where you from stranger? Vienna, Austria (no - not Australia) What drew you to Star Citizen? My love for the Wing Commander Series. What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc) I look forward to the freedom of being able to screw around in a gigantic universe with...
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