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  1. Overlord

    The Community That Never Was

    Yeah I noticed it. Still love it. Spicy Spleen did a great job!
  2. Overlord

    The Community That Never Was

    'pay VAT in the EU country of establishment of your customers'. So this would require an office or branch? No?
  3. Overlord

    The Community That Never Was

    Good points but was RSI served notice about tax invasion? Did any officials notify RSI and ask why they weren't charging VAT? Also if SC hasn't been charging VAT as they are suppose to, aren't they liable for tax evasion? Is ignorance now justification for tax evasion?
  4. Overlord

    The Community That Never Was

    Recently there has been a lot of anger over RSI going international; this is in part because anyone outside the United States will be subject to VAT and inevitably higher ship prices. In short only American members of the RSI community will be able to purchase ships cheaper than their fellow...
  5. Overlord

    What do you want/expect from the PTU?

    Ah, thanks for clearing that up. I will definitely be competing.
  6. Overlord

    What do you want/expect from the PTU?

    I am looking for a challenge. I am not looking for CIG to hold my hand and simply fly around looking at pretty planets. If I want that I go to Elite Dangerous. Or I log onto a single player game.
  7. Overlord

    Raison #17 why your org is stupid and TEST is BEST!

    I hear some people say it's just a game and why be so serious? How do I put this? When you are flying your $300~$400 ship through the PU and suddenly find yourself floating in empty space beside pieces of your rather expensive ship, you might want to take the game a tad more serious. Sounds to...
  8. Overlord

    Raison #17 why your org is stupid and TEST is BEST!

    Don't count on it. All it takes is one person to reveal fleet gatherings, locations and make up and bang there goes the fleet! So anyone who thinks spying won't be an issue is deluding themselves.
  9. Overlord

    New to the whole Joystick thing...

    At the moment Mouse is superior but I am not so sure this will always be the case since SC, I believe, is looking to produce it's own Hotas. If they do it will be kind of hard to sell if the mouse is superior.
  10. Overlord

    Heard you guys were best squad.

    I wouldn't sweat it. It doesn't take much to get banned from RSI...... 'I look really forward to Matchmaking (mechanic) because it takes away the challenge of beating someone better than me and saves me from embarrassment of being beaten by someone with lesser skills.' Apparently that was...
  11. Overlord

    Heard you guys were best squad.

    Yes we are the best squid. And the best spellers in the SC universe.
  12. Overlord

    Have you tried the RSI Customer service?

    I'm not sure but I believe you can CCU multiple times so even if you change your mind later you will have options. Just can't return to your previous ship.
  13. Overlord

    Have you tried the RSI Customer service?

    Called the Vanguard now.
  14. Overlord

    Have you tried the RSI Customer service?

    First look at the cross-chassis upgrades. Might be something you want there. If not you can try. *cross-chassis upgrades allow you to keep your LTI.
  15. Overlord

    Join the Ace of Spades

    Love to but multiplayer is down for me. I may try something - hope it works.
  16. Overlord

    Project D - Are you handy with tools and plastic molding?

    Bah, I have an old Japanese Zero fuselage in my living room instead of a game chair. It really gets my motivation up for crashing into things.
  17. Overlord

    The Middle Sucks

    Couldn't agree more. CIG is kind of under siege right now but I am sure they will come out on top. Perhaps they could mark down future ship prices to compensate for VAT? Not sure if this is realistic because who is to say what price they originally set? But it certainly would even the table or...
  18. Overlord

    TEST Forum Signatures

    Wow, these are ALL brilliant! Definitely going to use one. Thanks Spicy Spleen.
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