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  1. Starscribe

    New World European Servers

    On nationality, that's interesting - I pick up on the Brits here (because I am one) and wasn't aware of the Franco/German base (is that mirrored in Test - if so don't think I've noticed any posts here on the forum but I'm not very active on the Test Discord so they might be there). Is the...
  2. Starscribe

    New World European Servers

    Morning all. I asked in one of the New World threads if there was an EU-based Test guild running for Amazon's inaugural opus. Not had a reply, so I'm assuming not. And this raises a wider question. This is a very international group. What's the plan for Star Citizen going forward with Test on...
  3. Starscribe

    New World MMO! - Server East Coast - Valhalla - Covenant

    Is there a Test group on the European server?
  4. Starscribe

    To Thrust(master) or not to Thrust, that is the question..

    Don't mind heavy resistance unless it impedes a sufficiently quick response. Some of what I've read suggests, for some, it does. Thanks for the input!
  5. Starscribe

    To Thrust(master) or not to Thrust, that is the question..

    That's interesting. Looking more at the Warthog, I can see that for flying the big industrial ships it would be a dream. Do you find it twitchy enough for something faster - say dogfighting? That trigger is - by design - quite hefty for example.
  6. Starscribe

    To Thrust(master) or not to Thrust, that is the question..

    Thinking about it, I already have a Thrustmaster T.Flight Hotas 4 (joystick and throttle) for my old PS4 which would work here 🤨
  7. Starscribe

    "Testing, testing, is this thing on...?"

    Welcome! Especially as, given the games you're quoting, you may be almost as old as me!
  8. Starscribe

    To Thrust(master) or not to Thrust, that is the question..

    Hugely appreciate the replies!
  9. Starscribe

    To Thrust(master) or not to Thrust, that is the question..

    Tempted to spend a little silly money getting these: Anyone able to give me a thumbs up or down based on their experience of the Thrustmaster Warthog/throttle. HOTAS views, folks? Cheers in advance.
  10. Starscribe

    Banu Defender

    (/ignoring thread resurrection) I don't like the guns. I'm fine with non-gimablled but these slow firing stock guns just seem not worth the effort. Yet people say it punches above its weight? Am I missing something? I tear through things in a hornet, Freelancer Mis, Vanguard Sentinel, Cutlass...
  11. Starscribe

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    I've had the first shot. Oxford-AZ. I took a day off work. Definitely because I wasn't feeling well. And not at all because I wanted to spend the day playing Outriders.. 😇
  12. Starscribe

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    That sounds horrendous. Wishing you better soon. Based on the normal timeframe for this thing, hopefully you'll be through the worst soon and on the mend..
  13. Starscribe

    Please don't like my thread-campaign

    Ooh no. I read it all. Clearly. You must have missed my (literally) small print. Perhaps you need better glasses?
  14. Starscribe

    Please don't like my thread-campaign

    Bah. I thought it was a good effort though :D
  15. Starscribe

    Please don't like my thread-campaign

    I always like to know who to avoid when joining a large group like this. I think the simplest way for me to do this is simply to ask anyone who takes an unhealthy, bordering on the criminal, interest in very young boys to admit they have a problem, and invite them to click the like button below...
  16. Starscribe

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    I am reminded of this.. View:
  17. Starscribe

    Chaos Emerald badge, what is that?

    There's a Reddit post suggesting it's 'awarded' when you have bought 20 of a particular ship, and go for number 21 - and it is indeed designed to stop bulk buying.
  18. Starscribe

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    I am reminded of this at times like these.. Richard Dawkins - "Science. It works, Bitches." - YouTube
  19. Starscribe

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    My friend's symptoms are like ME. She's getting tired easily. Can't walk long distances. And she struggles to concentrate for long periods. It's effectively stopped her working.
  20. Starscribe

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    My friend caught it in March. "Recovered". Went off sick in April. She's not worked properly since. She's 29.
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