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  1. Fade691

    LOGAN (20th Century FOX): Review & Discussion

    Fuck yeah, this is going to be so good.
  2. Fade691

    Unholy Tournament of Test Squadron!! for 2.6!!! Let the games begin!!!!

    So our match will be around 18:00 cst (-6 utc) on Saturday. Looks like both teams will be looking for at least one sub. If anyone is interested in the action please let myself or @orac_zen know and be on discord a bit before 18:00, Thanks.
  3. Fade691

    Unholy Tournament of Test Squadron!! for 2.6!!! Let the games begin!!!!

    Yes Dad :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:. No seriously, we have been in contact since last weekend and we are having a match on this saturday, as i asked you about earlier. It's looking like both teams will need some subs though, still figuring that out. Dammit @Blind Owl, how are we gonna keep...
  4. Fade691

    Elder Scrolls Online - Test Squadron

    I also dont have much time to play except on the weekends. I wouldn't worry about it though cause of this quote from the patch notes for update 12 that Egriz linked.....
  5. Fade691

    Elder Scrolls Online - Test Squadron

    I will be around this weekend, but its hard for me to commit to an exact time frame at the moment. Hoping for your all thoughts on couple issues. When i first was playing this game i signed up for the eso plus membership. Now that i don't have that running currently i do not have any of the...
  6. Fade691

    Elder Scrolls Online - Test Squadron

    No need, I am already a member :)
  7. Fade691

    Elder Scrolls Online - Test Squadron

    Redownloaded this last night, it's been awhile, so i will spend this week re-familiarizing and setting my skills. Looking forward to seeing you guys online. My in game name is Havlin.
  8. Fade691

    2.6 Aurora LN is probably the best starter ship.

    Its the new missile system, or rather the new mounting system for the missiles. A size 4 missile hard point can mount 1 size 4 missile, or 2 size 3, or 4 size 2. Every size missile hardpoint has a similar optional mount available for purchase in the store now.
  9. Fade691

    Unholy Tournament of Test Squadron!! for 2.6!!! Let the games begin!!!!

    Beerjerk's Brigade has received a time today from team 3's captain that works for them. Just waiting to make sure it works for the rest of our team but our match should happen later this afternoon.
  10. Fade691

    Decoupled, Full AB, in a Caterpillar, Through Port Olisar!!

    That was a nice bit of flying there, i have a hard time getting my cat through the rings flying straight. Well done
  11. Fade691

    Drake Cutlass Weapon Mount

    Oh, I really should have my cup of coffee before i post :grimacing:
  12. Fade691

    Drake Cutlass Weapon Mount

    Yes i do, you might be on to something here... to bad we cant rent cats.. or 85x's. Hmm how did bored gamer end up with 4 of the 85x mounts then for that sabre?
  13. Fade691

    Drake Cutlass Weapon Mount

    They mount like a gimbal but you can fit two weapons to them, because of that you you have to step down two sizes. Currently, the cutlass nose gun comes with a standard S3 gimbal i believe.
  14. Fade691

    Drake Cutlass Weapon Mount

    Its weird that you actually own the cutlass but do not see this mount anywhere. I own the 85x also and just went and checked on the sabre and sure enough it's mount does show up... even though it does not on the 85x itself (the drake cutlass mount is an option on the actual cutlass, but then it...
  15. Fade691

    Drake Cutlass Weapon Mount

    So while i was playing around in the ship customization tool in arena commander, I noticed i had this bad boy available as an option to mount on any size 3 hardpoint on any ship. Its a size 3 turret that will let you mount dual size 1 weapons. Here it is on the hornet... I assume it showed...
  16. Fade691

    Pirate Swarm Beaten!

    I finally made it to wave 18 and first try i got through it barely. Had two teammates one in a m50 and other was in a Aurora. Didn't think we had a chance. but we were actually doing great until waves 10-14. they were just to squishy no matter how much i tried to protect them. Oh i was in that...
  17. Fade691

    Piracy Pirate Division (Re)naming poll!

    I like IRS- inherently risky schemes.
  18. Fade691

    Pirate Swarm Beaten!

    That's smart, I will remember that for next time. Will save on ammo
  19. Fade691

    Pirate Swarm Beaten!

    Oh and a nice tactic I've had luck with dealing with m50 pirates is when a bunch get on you turbo carefully around that big asteroid right up against the boundary. Often they will lose control and hit the boundary. My best so far has been 5 dead at once this way
  20. Fade691

    Pirate Swarm Beaten!

    I've made it to 17 again twice using 3 mantis and the revenant, ammo was a concern. But really key again for me was losing teammates. I rented a cutlass and when I get back in town in cpl days thinking of trying that with 2 mantis on the turret and repeaters up front. That turret is remote...
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