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  1. Nightrider

    Hello Test!

    Welcome to TEST Squadron
  2. Nightrider

    Ben Lesnick has been admitted to hospital

    Ben Lesnick has been admitted to hospital - View: It presented as flu, but turned out to be a nasty systemic infection. He's doing a good job fighting! Please send Ben and Alexis Lesnick some love
  3. Nightrider

    I'm a Testie Now!

    Welcome to TEST Squadron ░T░E░S░T░░S░Q░U░A░D░R░O░N░ ░B░E░S░T░░S░Q░U░A░R░D░O░N░
  4. Nightrider


    This thread is so full of delete. I know I'm in the correct org.
  5. Nightrider


    If I could have figured out how to delete my own post I would have. @Montoya is the Boss of me ... well unless my wife, kids are around ... lol
  6. Nightrider

    My Future Co-Pilot Arrived!

    Congratulations DrunkenTeddy
  7. Nightrider


  8. Nightrider

    Happy 4th of July!!

    Happy 4th of July
  9. Nightrider

    Seunge why are you ingoring us!!!!!!!

    Lol and more lol. I think Seung has been finishing up with his school work as of late.
  10. Nightrider

    Greetings, Test Squad!

    Welcome to TEST Squadron Witchkittie
  11. Nightrider

    PTU 2.4 Key Binds for Star Citizen

    Star Citizen PTU 2.4 Key Binds Keyboard binds Flight View: On Foot View: EVA View:
  12. Nightrider

    VKB Gladiator $99 & Gladiator Pro $249 Released

    VKB released two new Joysticks VKB Gladiator released $99 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VKB Gladiator Pro released $249...
  13. Nightrider

    Headcount for Citizencon hotel group

    Knax am I still able to move from tentative to confirmed for a space in the house? I'm still chatting with another group and trying to hammer out details.
  14. Nightrider

    SENNHEISER GAME ONE gaming headset = $127.99

    Enjoy Beerjerker ... glad I could help
  15. Nightrider

    GeekDomo to undergo Triple by pass at noon Thursday

    RSI post here
  16. Nightrider

    GeekDomo to undergo Triple by pass at noon Thursday

    GeekDomo to undergo Triple by pass at noon Thursday. Please send your TEST Squadron support by sending him hugs and Pugs Lets show the power of TEST Squadron ... Please show him your support and love GeekDomo's Twitter post here View:
  17. Nightrider

    Pax East photos

    Images taken at Bar Citizen and posted by Dillek11 on Reddir here
  18. Nightrider

    Pax East photos

  19. Nightrider

    Shubin Interstellar mining contract application

    Shubin Interstellar mining contract application Have you filled out your application? Do some research befor eyou post your by reading this Reddit thread...
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