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  1. Halvix

    SCUM TEST Server is Up!

    Definitely a bit of a learning curve, but overall seems decent so far. Found a kar98 early on but have yet to find ammo or lead to make any. Still killing puppets with my wooden spears, cheap and easy to make. Pooped in front of one of the flying camera drones... It didn't seem to like that...
  2. Halvix

    For Honor: Starter Edition - Free on Steam

    Just saw this on steam free for a limited time.
  3. Halvix

    Chronicles of Elyria - The Searing Plague

    After much confusion, and even more beer, I have somehow unlocked my first role. Now to figure out how it works and continue this frustrating, yet intriguing event.
  4. Halvix

    Chronicles of Elyria - The Searing Plague

    If your a backer you generate purity, if your not a backer you generate plague. Basically you want to rid yourself of the plague however possible by 9am PST everyday or that plague adds to the plague total.
  5. Halvix

    Whats the point of being in a big org?

    Yes! This... Where else can one go to see so many man boobs and Montoya's magnificent nipples!
  6. Halvix

    Whats the point of being in a big org?

    More beer. Bigger parties.
  7. Halvix

    TEST RoE Policy... who needs one?

    There, fixed. Should always be beer in hand...
  8. Halvix

    TEST RoE Policy... who needs one?

    TEST Rules of Engagment. Rule Number 1. Make sure beer* is in hand and full.** Rule Number 2. Do not spill the beer. Rule Number 3. If there is no beer in hand, see rule number one. *Beer may be substituted with other alcoholic beverages at the TESTies discretion. **Beer may be held in both...
  9. Halvix

    Chronicles of Elyria - The Searing Plague

    There was a lot of interest back in 2016 when the kickstarter was announced. A few people backed it, a few more followed it, but not sure anybody ever started any kind of TEST organization or guild. It's been over two years in development now and they actually have more to see. They've made...
  10. Halvix

    Chronicles of Elyria - The Searing Plague

    Whether you've been following this kickstarter game or not, Chronicles of Elyria has just started a community event called the Searing Plague. They need the community, backers as well as non-backers, to participate in this event help shape the world and lore of Elyria. You can either fight the...
  11. Halvix

    Support for I have no clever name for this double post.

    Double all the things!!
  12. Halvix

    So remember that time . . .

    You asked for it. Now shits about to hit the fan.
  13. Halvix

    I just had the SMOOTHEST 6 hours of SC ever and omg

    You claim to be part of TEST Squardon and admit this openly. HERESY! My experience so far has been crashing into Daymar with thrusters at full because the altitude still showed me at 30km from the planet.. The altitude reading apparently wasn't relative to the surface I was approaching... But...
  14. Halvix

    Thoughts and prayers to all our Oregon members

    I was almost CONCERNED when I read the title of this thread being that I live in Oregon. I thought that some tragedy had struck that I was unaware of. I only heard about this new law today and for one am hoping they quickly make it statewide. Many times have I pulled into a gas station...
  15. Halvix

    Buggy experience

    And for the love of all that is holy and great, please contribute to the bugs reported on the issue council so that CIG knows what to fix. Even if all you do is say you've reproduced a bug, it pushes that bug up the queue faster. The issue council can also be a good place to find temporary...
  16. Halvix

    Star Citizen theme like movies & series

    Battlestar Galactica, Wing Commander(the movie) and as said The Expanse is good. Just can't think of a movie with swarms of drunken pilots crashing their ships into everything to get the real feel for Star Citizen...
  17. Halvix

    PVE Ark Server

    We've moved from this server to an official one.. We've been playing the Scorched Earth expansion since it released last week. Feel free to check it out if you have the DLC. We're on NA-PVE-ScorchedEarth757. We also have a base on NA-PVE-TheCenter591 now that they allow cross server transfers.
  18. Halvix

    Hello new friends

    Welcome to TEST! You'll fit right in with that list of qualifications.
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