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  1. Takeiteasy

    2nd TESTiversary? Already?

    Happy TESTiversary Owl boy!!!! @Blind Owl
  2. Takeiteasy

    Cutlass Black 3.0

    Really? They are a huge part of my game play, send in the sucker punch's to rip off the shields then hit them with missiles and torps until they surrender(with sucker punch's keeping shields down constantly). We need Distortion cannons like we need every other kind of weapon.
  3. Takeiteasy

    Star Citizen 3.0 MEGA THREAD! Post your shit in here!

    HAHAH! I want some of this at my work, i'm on an IT helpdesk this would be beautiful with what I have to put up with on a daily basis. Me: "Oh you can't login" Them: "I've been off for 6 months" Me: "Whats your login username?" Them: "The same as i've used at home for 6 months." Me: "No... No...
  4. Takeiteasy

    Aegis Hammerhead

    I hate CIG. Since when we're digital pixels this attractive at such a high price. Tell me any other game or digital activity that can charge you $600 and you smile whilst doing it. Don't answer that. Seriously.
  5. Takeiteasy

    Aegis Hammerhead

    they used that as the [redacted] image for the Hammerhead so we thought it might be a Drake ship.
  6. Takeiteasy

    Aegis Hammerhead

    Yeah then you see a wave of vanduul coming at you from a large asteroid and as you get closer you realise the asteroid has guns on it and it's turning towards you. It's a.... KINGSHIP!!! MONTOYA SEND THE AURORAS!
  7. Takeiteasy

    Javelin and Idris-P no LTI WTF

    It kinda sucks, there will most likely be an alternative so if you somehow lose your ship in a black hole and have no insurance I bet there will be a recovery program where you pay a fee and assuming the ship purchase is on your account you can get an instant replacement, likely a rather large...
  8. Takeiteasy

    Aegis Hammerhead

    What's it like to fly Stevetank? What colours are the urinal cakes? We need to know.
  9. Takeiteasy

    Aegis Hammerhead

    I want one now that I'm used to it :) It's a huge investment though, I'm not sure I could pull it off lol It would make a great pirate hideaway, fast antifighter ship, it would take a bomber to kill this thing at its peak efficiency. Oooooohhh I want one badly now!!!!
  10. Takeiteasy

    Aegis Hammerhead

    Damn why did they use an obscured cutlass on the redacted image then... I am not happy, I wanted a big Drake gunboat.
  11. Takeiteasy

    Anniversary Sale Mega Thread - Its Done - Hammer & Hawk Available until Dec 11th

    The Yeah definitely sounds logical, the Drake bikes will be easy to get but the others look and seem more expensive but they will be a very good starter goal for the official release when it comes I say go for it.
  12. Takeiteasy

    Anniversary Sale Mega Thread - Its Done - Hammer & Hawk Available until Dec 11th

    Yep just saw it on twitter: 12 PST 3EST 8GMT 30 minutes from now Btw guys if you're on mobile turn off data saver if you use it. I found the website to load much quicker.
  13. Takeiteasy

    Did we just got a new capital ship concept?

    Just so you know if this is at a good price point I might take the plunge even if I go broke for a few weeks i'll just give people stuff from my house on Christmas. "Didn't you say you wanted dishwasher tablets?"
  14. Takeiteasy

    The "Classified"s

    If it's really the Cutlass Black pirate edition I am all over it, screw everything else. I'll melt my black and buy that instead. Actually then I can still afford another ship so I will still get another ship as well :)
  15. Takeiteasy

    Anniversary Sale Mega Thread - Its Done - Hammer & Hawk Available until Dec 11th

    What time does it start? I fancy an Aegis ship.
  16. Takeiteasy

    Park Benches Are Death

    Alt F4 is another alternative. :imp:
  17. Takeiteasy

    Found It Finally

    Awesome, I can't wait to go crash my aurora into it.
  18. Takeiteasy

    Did we just got a new capital ship concept?

    Thanks :) I kind of think it's the Drake but we will see. I don't like to boast too much so if it's true so be it, if it's false so be it. :)
  19. Takeiteasy

    Graphics Card - Good Deal?

    It's a good chip and will play the game on medium/high I recommend, I have the 1080 and can play on a single 1080p monitor maxed (not played 3.0 yet) so I imagine with your current set up this will give a night and day difference. Go for it, shop around, Amazon are not infallible and there are...
  20. Takeiteasy

    Did we just got a new capital ship concept?

    I was joking but interjecting a possibility, sorry to have you searching but my post was a joke, i want another Drake and with the pirate theme "Marauder" sounds fitting for a large ship with a reasonably high range a huge firepower. Sounds like it's looking for trouble so I thought to myself...
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