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  1. Schmunkel

    Just watched DUNE...

    That Dune is amazing! If want to blow you mind, check out this documentary on another Dune that was almost made:
  2. Schmunkel

    Ship Expo 2.6.3 - Saturday August 12th at 2:00 pm CST / 20:00 UTC

    Anyone going to be streaming this? I may not be able to participate, but could possibly watch a stream and chat on Discord.
  3. Schmunkel

    PSA: Not everybody that posts in here is in TEST Squadron

    Wait, so I have been calling people that outrank me sir and doing push-ups when told for no reason?
  4. Schmunkel

    Mining in the Verse

    This. The idea is that the prospectors will be able to get to smaller ore pockets that the larger Orion will not. I could actually see both an Orion with other Prospectors in a mining team with the Orion grabbing the bulk ore(say iron) that is easier to get to with the Prospectors snagging the...
  5. Schmunkel

    So, 3.0 live release just bumped to September...

    I think I said this same thing last year with 3.0 and SQ42.
  6. Schmunkel

    So, 3.0 live release just bumped to September... I feel like someone just pissed in my cereal.
  7. Schmunkel

    Cyclone sale announcement

    Walking vehicle perhaps?
  8. Schmunkel

    Lets make some TEST propaganda!

  9. Schmunkel

    Planning: Training Ops for 3.0

    Is true group functionality going to be in 3.0? It is possible to do these activities without it, but it makes it a hell of a lot easier if they have it working.
  10. Schmunkel

    VirtualAss threatens Montoya and all 13,000 members of TEST!

    I guess I'm getting old as I wonder who the hell has time for this crap.
  11. Schmunkel

    If you are new to Star Citizen, buy the Nox this week for the LTI.

    Glorious leader, you missed a prime opportunity to advise new cannon fodder recruits to immediately CCU to the glorious Aurora instead of some crotch-rocket where they will burn up upon trying to enter the atmosphere. On second thought, don't say anything as I would love to watch their faces melt.
  12. Schmunkel

    I've been here 3 years now

    I'm pretty sure 3 years ago you thought you would be mining in-game by now. I know I did.
  13. Schmunkel

    4 days...

    +1 to the lower expectations crowd here. I hope to be pleasantly surprised.
  14. Schmunkel

    State of the Squadron 23!

    I think Covert Ops explores via torpedoes....
  15. Schmunkel

    State of the Squadron 23!

    I can never get enough of our glorious leader. I want a Montoya 24/7 stream once 3.0 goes live!
  16. Schmunkel

    Who Likes Free Stuff?

    98. You rule!
  17. Schmunkel

    Mining in 3.0 confirmed!!!

    Here is hoping it is the fully fleshed-out mining system and not just a basic "push x to aim laser at large rock".
  18. Schmunkel

    For (Test's) Honor

    The game overall was fun, but I'm going to hold off and see how launch goes. I worry about lack of content down the road. The peer to peer only connection with no dedicated servers is also a bad idea.
  19. Schmunkel

    For (Test's) Honor

    Here's hoping they will be up and good b the time I get home from work today!
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