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  1. Schmunkel

    State of the Squadron 19!

    Did the lack of our CONCERN threads spark more CONCERN with our glorious leader to produce this? I'm not sure if I should lurk more or post more now!
  2. Schmunkel

    I need Advice and Info from you enablers

    Well my pc is showing it's age, so I wanted to present the same alternative I have been thinking of to you as well. I can't blame you for wanting a freelancer though, as I have one myself.
  3. Schmunkel

    I need Advice and Info from you enablers

    Or, you could spend that money toward your pc hardware to have a better playing experience. Many new GPU's are out with more on the way.
  4. Schmunkel

    Congrats to the Testie official Star Citizen Gamescom Streamers!

    Richard and Baron both are! Woohoo!
  5. Schmunkel

    Congrats to the Testie official Star Citizen Gamescom Streamers!
  6. Schmunkel

    Making Rock Raiders an official division

    I am not that hyped about the next few releases as their will still be no game mechanics to test. I guess 2018 may be the year we finally get some of this stuff.
  7. Schmunkel

    Making Rock Raiders an official division

    Any chance we can pool our considerable Test resources and try to get some kind of status from CIG on how far along mining is? The initial write-up is over a year old and I feel like game mechanics(mining, salvaging, cargo hauling, refueling) in general are taking a huge back seat right now. I...
  8. Schmunkel

    GeForce GTX 1080

    So only 1 more year until Star Citizen is out at that point....
  9. Schmunkel

    GeForce GTX 1080

    1070 is the real bargain as it appears to be better performance than a 980ti at less than $400.
  10. Schmunkel

    Squadron 42 features list(probably)

    I posted this on reddit but wanted to throw it here as I thought it was interesting: Here is my list of Squadron 42 features we can expect upon release separated into confirmed and probable categories based on my understanding: Confirmed: Single player story covering roughly 70 missions or...
  11. Schmunkel

    Ship Talk Commentary #5 - The MISC Prospector

    It would be nice if one of their answers was when the mining mechanic will be out besides just saying "soon".
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