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  1. DragonHeart

    Polaris $750

    The Release is Soo Close !
  2. DragonHeart

    Polaris $750

    First thing, she has to be sexy. At that point, everything else doesn't matter.
  3. DragonHeart

    Have you paid for non-LTI Ships?

    I like LTI, because I save on insurance payment, especially for my large ships Idris-P and 890Jump (possibly the Corvette as well). The peace of mind is great.
  4. DragonHeart

    Polaris $750

    CitizenCon still feels so far away, I want to see her now.
  5. DragonHeart

    Polaris $750

    Hm.. I'll have to see her first =)
  6. DragonHeart

    Poll: Sell the Org Redeemer and put it towards the Polaris?

    We should have plenty of smaller ships in our massive fleet. I think its better to invest in larger ships for org purposes.
  7. DragonHeart

    Looks like the Polaris is the Citizencon ship

    Finally we get to see her glory !
  8. DragonHeart

    So, the rumors are saying....

    Because they are avocados.
  9. DragonHeart

    Battlefield 1 Beta

    Playing on Aus servers, rank 21 now. Getting 34 kills and 0 deaths with a light tank is hilarious.
  10. DragonHeart

    Derelict ships

    Finally some information about derelict ships in space and on planets ! 18 minutes into the recent ATV. I shall dream about exploring and salvaging. Ow yeah, they also talk about cargo !
  11. DragonHeart

    Join me in the mead hall!

    To Valhalla ! All shiny and chrome !
  12. DragonHeart

    I don't like the new Ursa Rover design

    I guess she is ok, in terms of CIGs first ground combat vehicle. I'm looking forward to tanks and Mech suits, if CIG ever decides to incorporate them. Something like these maybe? I can dream right lol
  13. DragonHeart

    Strip Club In Star Citizen

    Hahaha so enthusiastic !
  14. DragonHeart

    Hello new friends

    Welcome to TEST !
  15. DragonHeart

    [WTB] Merchantman Upgrade from Caterpillar or Andromeda

    That same desire kept me awake at night and gave me headaches all day.
  16. DragonHeart

    Naval Action - A Ship Game Not In Space

    Im a Rear Admiral rank in Great Britain. Quite the fun game, sailing with mates and having fleet battles.
  17. DragonHeart

    Terrible Terrapin

    How exploration will actually work is a mystery. And until CIG releases the fineprint, I shall continue to concern..
  18. DragonHeart

    What is your current fleet?

    I have a simple fleet, only 3 ships. Idris-P 890 Jump Carrack
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