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  1. O-Lefty

    WTB Tali Bomber or Harbinger CCU

    I have a couple $0 Taurus to Retaliator Base CCUs. I could buyback an LTI Arrow with Game Package and CCU to Taurus then CCU to Retaliator Base all for $165 I think, then you'll get the bomber as a loaner until the base comes out with cargo modules. Or I could CCU a Nox Kue LTI to the Taurus to...
  2. O-Lefty

    Saitech HOTAS

    Mount it to the desk. I tried the chair first but then you can't scoot in all the way. And I think the Virpil constellation and throttle are RGB LEDs.
  3. O-Lefty

    Saitech HOTAS

    Virpil is top of the line right now and in my opinion the way to go. Saitek doesn't exist any more, they were bought by Logitech. Logitech has not improved the products enough to make them worth the money yet. Get dual T16000Ms and wait for Virpil to restock.
  4. O-Lefty

    Highlander Fleet time

    Hands down the Javelin. You might say that's impractical, that it doesn't even show up with guns, that it's too big and takes too much crew but... That's exactly why I want it. There are a lot of TESTies out there looking for a challenge. Outfitting the Javelin and taking it out on missions will...
  5. O-Lefty

    What's the state of fighters?

    Admittedly didn't read the whole thread, but if you want a fighter I would recommend: Buy an LTI Arrow. Get a CCU Arrow to Sabre. Get a CCU Sabre to Super Hornet. Wait for new flight model. Choose later whether you want the Sabre or Super Hornet. There's no telling exactly how things will go...
  6. O-Lefty

    SALE HYPE! What are your fleet plans?

    I'm really hoping that extra game packages become NPCs. That was part of my buying strategy for the rearrangement I just did this sale and I came out with 7 game packages. 🤔
  7. O-Lefty

    Depression and gaming

    So I just found this thread today since it popped up to the recently active posts and all I have to say is that you're all welcome to join me in the game any time. I joined TEST to have fun with other people and luckily I have the opportunity to back the game for quite a few of the larger ships...
  8. O-Lefty

    SALE HYPE! What are your fleet plans?

    So I got my Idris-P and the GIANT FREAKIN LASER. Now all I need is some alien menace to destroy. 🤔
  9. O-Lefty

    SALE HYPE! What are your fleet plans?

    Due to unexpected circumstances I will be attempting to add A GIANT LASER to my fleet today. We'll see how it goes. o7
  10. O-Lefty

    Muh Banu

    Purge the xeno!
  11. O-Lefty

    introduceing myself

    Welcome to TEST Squardon! The sun never sets on our shenanigans. Don't forget to join the discord!
  12. O-Lefty

    SALE HYPE! What are your fleet plans?

    My opinion: they have to make it an option. There's no way entire organizations can hinge their Javelin availability on one person. So in theory whatever ship loaning that is included will extend to all ships. Maybe org hangars, maybe org fleets. Who knows!
  13. O-Lefty

    SALE HYPE! What are your fleet plans?

    Get your fleet hype on! This is my expected arrangement after the anniversary sale. We'll see if it has any unexpected additions! What are you looking forward to getting? Assembled here:
  14. O-Lefty

    Anniversary Sale Megathread - See First Post for Links - Ends Dec 4

    I'm willing to bet they sell the Idris M this year to counter the Drake Kraken sale. It won't be for the same old price but I think they'll put some out there. Also they've been teasing the Idris M pretty heavily; it's under Lorville, and you can spawn it in the Revel and York hangar if you own one.
  15. O-Lefty

    Anniversary Sale Megathread - See First Post for Links - Ends Dec 4

    Nobody cares about the aliens DarthMunkee! It's all about those human made goods.
  16. O-Lefty

    RIP Stan Lee

    F. o7
  17. O-Lefty

    If the retaliator is featuring in Squadron 42...........

    Devs already confirmed that it will get a rework.
  18. O-Lefty

    Possible Anvil Arrow for this years concept sale?

    My bet is that this is the Carrack snub for the top hangar. The snub is said to be exploration capable and this has good radar and Qdrive which is probably going to help map wormholes as well.
  19. O-Lefty

    Who wants a Valkyrie?

    Did someone say bacon? 🤔
  20. O-Lefty

    Hey yo CapnJack (that's me)

    So uh, welcome to TEST. Help boost me up to this window?
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