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  1. Serious Table

    Other Infinity Fleet Group (IFG) - "Pushing the Limits to Infinity, and Beyond!"

    Do Inifinity R&D or Infinity Logistics, not both. Too many syllables otherwise. The slogan's gonna need some help, too. It's really really corny right now. Make it something simple, but that conveys a good message. "No limits, only Infinity" or similar.
  2. Serious Table

    Aegis Sabre Fighter - Who is getting it?

    Considering the Hornet and the Gladius don't compete for roles, I highly doubt that the competitor for the Hornet is going to compete with the Gladius.
  3. Serious Table

    Aegis Sabre Fighter - Who is getting it?

    He mentioned he wanted the LTI; if you upgrade to a ship rather than buy it directly, you keep the level of insurance your ship had previously (for instance, my Constellation Physical Package only has 6 month Insurance, so when I upgraded to the Endeavor, it maintained the 6 month insurance. It...
  4. Serious Table

    Find us a Home! TEST HQ

    Odin is my vote; right next to Nyx which makes a great deal of sense, but Nyx is also attached to Vega, which runs the risk of Vanduul incursion. Odin makes a better stronghold.
  5. Serious Table

    Aegis Sabre Fighter - Who is getting it?

    Melted my Vanguard for one. Because this is exactly the type of fighter I would fly. Bit faster than the Hornet, bulky, nice loadout... Everyone else can fly the screamers at super high speeds; this one will be my baby.
  6. Serious Table


    Fine, fine. Welcome to test, Halex! You're in really odd sorts of company here, but I guarantee you'll find people you'll enjoy interacting with!
  7. Serious Table


    Welcome to test, Halex! You're in good company here!
  8. Serious Table

    Piracy [In-Game Occupation] Let's raise the Black Flag! (TEST Piracy)

  9. Serious Table

    Explosions !

    I personally am really pleased to see the possibility of a lot of the hull remaining intact, because the components are blowing up, not the entire spaceframe. This is going to be so much fun discovering blown-out wrecks!
  10. Serious Table

    Boredgamers interview of Imperium

    Yeah! Some of us are more partial to Serpentis!
  11. Serious Table

    New Ship to be sold at Citizen Con - Never seen before

    Don't do it! Once you do it once, you will never not do it! The number of times I've melted my whole fleet has been ALARMING.
  12. Serious Table

    Star Wars Battlefront: Super Spectacular Saturdays [Oct. 10, 2015]

    Got to play for about 20 minutes while at work, here's my quick analysis after playing through two games: I don't know why, but after the old movies and all of the old games being either ancient or more cartoony, a la Star Wars: The Old republic, this game needed to be done. It needed to be...
  13. Serious Table

    Star Wars Battlefront: Super Spectacular Saturdays [Oct. 10, 2015]

    Dragon Age: Inquisition would like a word.
  14. Serious Table

    October Merlin P-52 giveaway! (TEST main members only!)

    Riekopo hasn't posted much, but was one of the influential people who developed TESTBall; that's okay in my book!
  15. Serious Table

    Chris Roberts Responds to Derek Smart

    You've honestly got to look at this objectively. If you look at it and the facts presented absent of any sort of bias, there's no immediately evident connection to DS (as in, we don't have hard evidence of such yet). What we do have evidence of, however, is the Escapist not only double, but...
  16. Serious Table

    [CONCERN] What if he was right?

    Oh, that's okay then; that's developed by Not-Bioware.
  17. Serious Table

    [CONCERN] What if he was right?

    If you do, could you just... just avoid the SWTOR section of the building? I'm really enjoying the story...
  18. Serious Table

    Piracy [In-Game Occupation] Let's raise the Black Flag! (TEST Piracy)

    I honestly love the Banetoya logo that came up on SOTS. I'd just possibly remove the tear for something else. Not sure what yet.
  19. Serious Table

    State of the Squadron 11 is here!

    Soooo, Montoya. Want to explain how I saw this on Reddit before I saw a thread on the forums? DO YOU LOVE THEM MORE?
  20. Serious Table

    Star Trek Online

    I used to really enjoy STO because of the entertaining ship battles, but anything related to the ground combat and acting has been completely ruined for me because of SWTOR. If I could skip everything related to ground and focus purely on the ships, I'd be so happy...
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