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  1. Stupidisco

    English speaking TEST members?

    Vad fan är det här? Engelska? I TEST Skvadronen!? Jag kommer garanterat skratta så biltemakörven flyger ur käften på mig när jag ser deras flygföretag vagga och gagga sakta fram genom rymden... Överlastade till den vida grad att manövreringsraketerna får jobba sig till överhettning. Föga...
  2. Stupidisco

    What's your "one" ship?

    I own a 300i and a cutlass and i wont touch the steaming pile of shit that the 300i is untill CGI unfucks it. So i will be taking the cutlass black out since they are unfucking that as we speak.
  3. Stupidisco

    Official Stance on Evocati Posts

    I'll smoke my stuff where ever i want pal! I have a permit for this medicine!
  4. Stupidisco


    Time to part-eh-hey and drink beers!
  5. Stupidisco


    Yeah i learnet the need for the eyepatch after a heavy drinking and gaming night where 1 bottle of gin was consumed along with 12 beers. I then promptly passed out and started downing beers the second day followed by a couple of sips of gin.. Needless to say my visual cortex was greatly...
  6. Stupidisco


    I upvoted your forum post so we will have more votes than others now. Does this grant me a free beer?:clap::clap::clap:
  7. Stupidisco


    My RSI handle is that the @??? If it is then my handle is @citizen_36486 Edit: My profile is updated with the correct info now.
  8. Stupidisco


    Thanks! Actually i used to go under the nickname Mike_Litoris. And that was fine for a long time. Then one day I joined the general chat on the official starcitozen page and it pissed off a moderator with no sense of humor. He decided that my name was not okay. He cited things like "we do have...
  9. Stupidisco


    I"ll be joining you guys on discord later this evening. Do we have any ex TEST Alliance members here? I used to play EVE onli e with that bunch.
  10. Stupidisco


    Hello my name is Stupidisco. I like to play computer games, get wasted and do drugs. Only kidding, I dont do drugs. But playing games wasted is a dysfunctional favourite of mine. I got an eye-patch specifically so that i could continue playing after i see double. Anyways I found y'all through...
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