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  1. Schmunkel

    Starcraft Legacy of the Void Beta - anyone else in it?

    Downloading this after work and was curious if any other members were in it.
  2. Schmunkel

    State of the Squadron 10!

    It's about damn time!
  3. Schmunkel

    Lack of SotS and increasing [concern] levels.

    Perhaps Montoya can delegate the next one to another officer if he is too busy? I'm not sure if a non-Montoya SOTS would motivate me the same though...
  4. Schmunkel

    Lack of SotS and increasing [concern] levels.

    I hear Montoya owes us all an Aurora if we don't get a SOTS before the end of the month!
  5. Schmunkel

    Lack of SotS and increasing [concern] levels.

    So we are now 3 days into August without a new SOTS? Inconceivable!
  6. Schmunkel

    Lack of SotS and increasing [concern] levels.

    Did SOTS 10 ever happen?
  7. Schmunkel

    Patch 1.1.5 Going Live / Merlin Going On Sale!

    Did they fix the patches where it is incremental now? Are those of us with limited SSD space better off doing a clean install?
  8. Schmunkel

    Hearts of Iron 4

    I already have an account, but I hope you get in the beta as I am looking forward to this game.
  9. Schmunkel

    Anyone wanna try out World of Warships or R6 Siege?

    Is anyone still playing this? I have heard good things, and I am tempted to get into it. I am nervous about the grind as Warthunder was kind of nuts. Having some fellow Testies that can help me not be a noob will help.
  10. Schmunkel

    JULY UPDATE: Things getting a little quiet here? Not !

    All I know is Montoya motivates the hell out of me for this game and for our organization. I humbly request more Montoya content!
  11. Schmunkel

    State of the Squadron 9?

    In this endless wait for FPS, I am in desperate need of some Montoya motivation! I need my new State of the Squadron!
  12. Schmunkel

    TEST meeting: What hours are best for you?

    One more vote for later is better! Voted for 9 as I am on central time.
  13. Schmunkel


    Seriously need my monthly motivation now!
  14. Schmunkel


    I am also in need of my monthly Montoya motivation!
  15. Schmunkel

    MISC Hull Series Sale, Friday the 24th

    I'm still liking the Freelancer option as a faster transport that doesn't need an escort and can run smaller, more rare cargo through tough areas.
  16. Schmunkel

    Mining/Trade Fleet?

    It would be great to have an exploration team that sells our own groups the best mining spots so we can then get the mining and hauling teams involved.
  17. Schmunkel

    Cargo Cult - Ship Talk #4

    I currently own a Cutlass Black, but want to CCU to a Freelancer Max when I can. It seems like the perfect solo or small team hauler for the early to mid game.
  18. Schmunkel

    Training, Newbies, and TEST.

    I thought I would see a lot more people playing during US prime time now that REC is live and the servers are better. There are usually a lot of folks in general chat, but hardly any playing.
  19. Schmunkel

    Request: Detailed guide to using FaceTrackNoir setup to aim gimbals in SC

    I have a FaceTrackNoir setup with a homemade LED clip that I have used in Warthunder for better awareness. I would love to use this setup in SC to aim gimbals, however, I have had terrible luck getting it to work. I have had a lot of issues with the helmet blocking my view for example. Any...
  20. Schmunkel

    Training, Newbies, and TEST.

    I have been hopping on both mumble and the game most nights. However, my usual scenario is asking in mumble if anyone wants to play to earn some REC, waiting a few minutes with no response(hell, one star citizen owner didn't even know what REC was or that 1.1 had been released), then hopping on...
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