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  1. lex

    Elite: Dangerous TEST Squadron

    Well, first step on path to python...
  2. lex

    Elite: Dangerous TEST Squadron

    I sometimes grind rare goods at work / watching series / etc, in almost-AFK mode, and docking computer helps great here
  3. lex

    Elite: Dangerous TEST Squadron

    So i started playing elite again, with rare good trading. Took awesome @bryceedmundo guide and adjusted it a bit (this guide is for a complete noobs like me). Let's go. My ship: Cobra. Started as stock. I strongly recommend getting proper trade ship for that stuff - i'm in cobra just because i...
  4. lex

    [Discussion] Fleet Command - Deaf People and FCing.

    Another point of view: i have issues understanding english talk (not my native language). But i have no problems (well, except some grammar) reading and typing english. So reading NKato commands will be actually easier for me and maybe some other folks who are not-so-great in english. After all...
  5. lex

    This is why im over AMD

    I had so many issues with AMD stuff (mostly at work) that i will never, ever buy AMD product again. They are only good for VPS hosting to sell more VPS nodes (dat 16-core CPUs). IE we had two AMD FirePro cards at work (that's not gaming card - it's for heavy video/etc work). From different...
  6. lex

    Test in GTA5?

    TBH criminal mastermind wasn't so hard. We used that guide: One of us even hasn't completed all heists, so he was newbie (he only done 2,5 heists or so, but he was lvl 50). Two key factors: cooperation (in fact, we almost...
  7. lex

    TEST Patches are in!

    I wonder how it will fit on rush 24 backpack...
  8. lex

    Elite: Dangerous TEST Squadron

    It seems that everybody will be getting theirs steam keys for E : D
  9. lex

    Test in GTA5?

    Insane amount of nerves, screams and stress. Man, it's good to be a criminal.
  10. lex

    Test in GTA5?

    I can't into original paint so i usually go with matte black...
  11. lex

    Soviet test Propaganda

    "Red army was organized, brought and made invincible by great party of Lenin-Stalin" Loose translation.
  12. lex

    Test in GTA5?

    Some tips for heists (pretty known so i may be captain obvious, but still). Get a bulletproof helm (can save you from a couple of headshots even in freemode) + Heavy utility vest (halves damage, makes you run slower, works only in heists). Save it as an outfit and ask your leader to set...
  13. lex

    Test in GTA5?

    Asked for invite. rlex, lexrivera or something...
  14. lex


    Come on, that's "Hell, it's about time" :D I'm not even sure about it's gender. Also, get sylvana. Right now she's insane (i feel nerf incoming, but still, she's insane at pushing due to her passive. At L7 you can basically kill all minions packs with 2-3 shots)
  15. lex


    ^ this. Cannot explain better. It's still pretty hard to master and play (Brightwing, Murky, illidan, abathur if you want some hardcore times), and easy to play with some easier chars (Raynor, Li LI, Tychus). Competitive is still pretty hard - if you want to reach high rates, you need to know...
  16. lex


    Have some EU to share. Feel free to ping me.
  17. lex

    [WTS] m50 -> 350R upgrade

    Nope, melted it long time ago, sorry.
  18. lex

    Your Ships. The Why and Future Purchases - Revived!

    SH (my first puchase, basically, with 2y insurance) Vanguard LTI, because i love it. Mustang Delta (i can't remember why) Avenger from AMD pack Planning to get Banu. Maybe. Or some trading ship.
  19. lex

    How do you get started in modding star citizen?

    Some people use cryengine and extracted resources from SC (which is based on cryengine) to do comparison / review / etc. Not exactly "mods", but you can surely take a look on SC ships guts & probably draw your own ship...
  20. lex

    The release of another ship

    Carrack owners should get some love (sadly i'm not a carrack owner)
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